Chapter 1742 Distressed

  Shen Jingyu also knows this, but he doesn't want to be involved with the Presidential Palace any more. A simple apology after hurting can resolve all conflicts. Are they thinking too simple?

Chu Zhuohang said calmly, "I don't want to see them either. Fu Hongxuan's favorite thing to do is to keep things calm. For him, nothing is important except for national affairs. But for me, the people I love the most are the most important. of."

   Shen Jing bowed his head: "You go back first."

   "I want to go back after Ningning wakes up."

   Shen Jingyu didn't refuse, he just waited if he wanted.

   Shen Jingyu went back upstairs to accompany Chu Ning, she was still sound asleep, and because the medicine had not been completely eliminated, he had already put ointment on her, and there should be no major problems with her body.

   He was just distressed, distressed by the things she went through.

   At that time, I didn't know how scared she should be, because he didn't protect her well and made her feel wronged.

  Fortunately, there was no big mistake... Shen Jingyu held her hand, all kinds of emotions were surging in her heart, and she looked at her peaceful face with distress.

   Almost at night, Chu Ning woke up, his body heavy as if being run over by a big truck.

   She woke up and saw Shen Jingyu's face in front of her. Many things in her heart were forgotten, and she didn't know herself...

  Shen Jingyu kissed her lips, then let go of her, and said softly, "I came just in time. It's fine. Shen Muhan and Chu Zhuohang also passed, everything is fine."

  Chuning showed a reassuring smile and put his hand on his neck. He was really at ease with him.

   "Fu Qian did it, but she has already received the punishment she deserves."

   "Yes." Chu Ning replied softly.

   "Your brother is worried about you, waiting downstairs for you to wake up. I'll let him come up." Shen Jingyu showed tenderness.

  Chu Zhuohang came upstairs and was relieved to see that Chu Ning was safe and sound: "Is the situation okay?"

   "Except for being a little dizzy, everything is fine. Thank you bro."

   "Okay, I'm relieved to see you wake up. I didn't dare to tell my parents about this. You're fine, I'll go home first." Chu Zhuohang smiled.

  Chuning looked at his handsome face: "Why do you have so many injuries on your face?"

  Chu Zhuohang touched it and found that the wound was still obvious. In fact, he had already consulted a doctor for treatment, but the bruises were still there.

   "It's alright, I was in a hurry, and I got hit by accident."

   "No, did you save me like this today?" Chu Ning saw the injuries and was beaten.

"I just started to think that Shen Muhan was doing you a hand. When I saw him, I couldn't hold back and had a fight with him. He wasn't hurt much better than me." Chu Zhuohang smiled, "but we have already said It's on, so it's alright."

   Chu Ning's eyes were red with distress: "You are not in good health, how can you fight with people? Besides, Shen Muhan knows your illness, he is in a favorable position, and it is unfair to you. Next time, you are not allowed to fight with people."

   "Got it, good sister." Chu Zhuohang scratched the tip of her nose.

Shen Jingyu brought the food over and saw the intimacy between their brothers and sisters, his expression froze, until Chu Zhuohang left, his expression softened, and said: "Eat a little something. You didn't eat lunch or dinner, I must be hungry now."

   Chu Ning was about to take it, he had already scooped the food with a spoon and brought it to her lips.

   (end of this chapter)

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