Chapter 1834 Extremely annoying

   She stretched out her hand, and the people around her helped her touch up the nail polish.

Pan Fangfang said with a sad face: "My work was originally released today, but a few days ago, an unknown new author preemptively published this work, and the content is almost the same as ours. So my work cannot be listed, this one TV shows..."

   "Everything is ready, why don't you tell me this?" Jiang Yue drew back her hand angrily, her nail polish smeared on her hand.

The person next to    immediately wiped her clean and reprocessed her respectfully.

"Miss Jiang, don't be angry, we really didn't do this on purpose. Editor-in-chief Qin, there used to be a colleague named Hao Juan. When she left, she peeked at my manuscript and went out to start a new publishing house by herself. I leaked my content and asked someone to rewrite it. Their book was listed first, so ours could not be listed again." Pan Fangfang shied all the responsibilities.

   Qin Huang also understood after reading "The Years Together" last night, that it was published with Hao Juan, who had already broken up with him.

Jiang Yue said angrily: "Really, even a little thing can't be done well! Since they copied you, what are you afraid of? To make things a big deal, it's just that we will gain some popularity for our TV series. I'm still worried about our crew. It's not for sale!"

   "But Miss Jiang, let's go public first. After all, we have justified a loss. I'm afraid it will cause you even greater losses!"

   "Then let her take the evidence and sue me!" Jiang Yue lived in a prosperous environment since she was a child.

   Besides, according to what Pan Fangfang said, why should I be afraid?

  Jiang Yue walked forward on high heels, and Pan Fangfang had to keep up.

When    arrived at the scene, the reporters were already waiting.

   They have long known that Jiang Yue's purpose is to make some achievements and perform well. Naturally, they all support her, and they all ask her questions. It seems that she is more popular than Sun Junming and Wenyu.

  Sun Junming and Wenyu of course also know who is the one who paid the real money. They also cooperate with reporters and hold Jiang Yue. All the responses will take the initiative to contact Jiang Yue and thank her for her insight and talent for investing in this work.

  Pan Fangfang was uneasy, Jiang Yue was not afraid of anything, but she was worried that this time, it would directly destroy the reputation she had worked so hard to manage for many years.

   "Miss Jiang, why did you cast this TV series?" the reporter asked.

Jiang Yue talked eloquently on the stage: "I decided because I had read this novel. This novel is very considerate. Although it is only a personal relationship, it also reflects many issues of the times. I think , each of us has an obligation to promote this excellent culture..."

  Chuning heard Jiang Yue's self-promotion on stage from a distance.

   She walked slowly towards Jiang Yue.

  Hao Juan held her back: "Chuning, are you really going to come to power directly? You can't fight with Jiang Yue. You must not do this, you will destroy your future!"

   "Editor Hao, don't worry, I know what to do." Chu Ning walked over there quickly.

   Hao Juan couldn't stop her, so she had to follow.

  Jiang Yue was talking when she caught sight of Chu Ning coming over from the audience.

   She thought to herself, "Why did Chu Ning come here? What does this have to do with her?"

   She hated Chu Ning so much that she pressed her head on everything.

   (end of this chapter)

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