The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1835: completely plagiarized

   Chapter 1835 is completely plagiarism

   In particular, the struggle between the Chu family, the Shen family and the Jiang family completely prevailed, making Jiang Yue even more dissatisfied.

   Seeing Chu Ning, Jiang Yue did not like her at all.

   She waved her hand, implying that the bodyguard beside her would drive Chu Ning away.

  Jiang Yue's bodyguard stepped forward and walked towards Chu Ning. Hao Juan was so worried that she hurried forward and stood with Chu Ning.

   However, before the bodyguards could make a move, the bodyguards beside Chu Ning had already stood up and intercepted them on the periphery.

  Chuning was pregnant with a child, so of course he knew to protect himself and his child. When he appeared on this occasion, he came with a bodyguard.

   The bodyguards around her were all hand-picked by Shen Jingyu, and they were completely different from the bodyguards around Jiang Yue.

  Jiang Yue snorted coldly, what she hated most was Chu Ning's frivolous appearance.

   She picked up the microphone and said to Chu Ning, "Chuning, what kind of wind blows a noble like you here?"

   "Miss Jiang, I'm just here to say a few words to you."

   When the reporters at the scene saw that someone dared to talk to Jiang Yue like this, they hurriedly turned the camera on them, and all their attention was diverted to them.

   "Oh? I don't know what you have to say?" Jiang Yue didn't even bother to maintain her apparent respect towards Chu Ning.

   "I suggest Miss Jiang not to shoot this "Homecoming". Because this novel is completely plagiarized. It is worthless at all!"

   Chu Ning said these words, the audience was in an uproar.

   Not only Jiang Yue's complexion changed, but the others were even more shocked.

  Pan Fangfang's face turned pale, and she never thought that someone would stand up and slap her face!

   Who is this Chuning?

Jiang Yue snorted coldly and said: "You say plagiarism is plagiarism? It's really bloody! Who is Pan Fangfang? She has been famous for a long time and has countless readers. Her previous works are all popular bestsellers. I invested in her works, what is there? Doubt?"

   "Ms. Jiang has really read the book "Homecoming"? Have you also read the new book "Let's Live Together"?" Chu Ning asked rhetorically.

  Jiang Yue, of course, has not seen it, but someone has already sorted out the introduction, general content, character, etc. for her for her.

   So she said condescendingly: "Of course I've seen it, otherwise why would I just invest money?"

"Does Miss Jiang know that all of Pan Fangfang's novels have been temporarily taken off the shelves today? The sample books issued before have also been recycled by the publishing house. This proves that they themselves are guilty and guilty. Even the original novels dare not be published. She, are you sure you want to shoot a TV series based on this novel?"

Jiang Yue thought to herself: "No wonder someone dares to go against Pan Fangfang, it turns out that the person behind this is Chu Ning. This Chu Ning is obviously aimed at me. I am afraid that I will do something and steal her limelight. Is it?"

  Jiang Yue is even more confident: "Plagiarism, come up with evidence!"

   "No evidence is needed, the two books are here, and there are also comparisons of the previous ten chapters on Weibo. You can see at a glance."

  Chu Ning had long ago obtained a copy of "Times Like Water" that Qin Huang tried so hard to hide, and put it in front of everyone.

  Others hurriedly opened Weibo and found the comparison of the two books mentioned by Chu Ning.

   Sure enough, although the content is written in different sentence patterns, the content of the expression is basically the same.

   (end of this chapter)

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