The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1853: what's the result

   Chapter 1853 What is the result

"Husband, I know it's hard to tell you such a thing. So, if you don't agree, I'll give up. I'll talk about it later. I'll create such characters in the future, and there will be more of them in the future. opportunity." Chu Ning evoked a smile.

   Saying these words makes me feel much better.

   In fact, in my heart, I really want such an opportunity.

   Just know that you cannot be selfish.

   Shen Jingyu lowered his eyes and asked, "Do you really want to do this?"

   "I really want to. But I will also consider the actual situation." Chu Ning said, "After all, my daughter is important."

   Shen Jingyu held her in his arms, resting his chin on top of her head, and did not speak for a long time.

   "Husband?" Chu Ning called softly.

  Shen Jingyu lowered his head slightly: "Huh?"

   "Don't worry about this, I'll call my cousin and tell him I'll give up."

   "Wait." Shen Jingyu grabbed her wrist, sat down by himself, and took her into his arms, "Have you prepared for this?"

   "Well, I went to the hospital to check my body. The doctor said that as long as it's not dangerous, it's okay to work. I tried the makeup photo, and the director said it's ok." When Chu Ning talked about this, her brows lit up.

   That bright color makes her eyes shine brightly and shine.

  This is the greatest charm that career gives a woman.

   Shen Jingyu said, "I'll tell you the answer after I think about it for a night."

  Chuning never thought that he would still think about it. She had actually thought it over and over in her heart, knowing that Shen Jingyu didn't like her doing things that hurt her the most, so she had already presupposed that he would not agree.

   So even though she said she brought it up to discuss it with him, she actually said soft words first and gave up first.

   However, Shen Jingyu said to consider it?

  Chuning hugged him, feeling that he had left the problem to him, which was really unkind.

   In the evening, she went to bed and felt that Shen Jingyu was tossing and turning, as if she was worried about this problem.

  Chu Ning hugged him from behind, and felt that he was really bad. Having said so many words, his heart was relieved, but this heavy stone was pressing on Shen Jingyu's body.

  Shen Jingyu felt the girl hug him, understood what she was thinking, reached out and held her fingers, the troubles in her heart were slowly swept away, and she finally fell asleep.

When Chu Ning woke up in the morning, the maid brought her breakfast and told her by the way: "The teacher has come to pick up the three young masters to go to class. Master Shen said, please go to his study after you finish your meal. "

  Chuning nodded, not knowing what Shen Jingyu was thinking about last night?

   But whether he agrees or not, she respects his opinion. From the moment she raised it to discuss, she is mentally prepared to respect whatever he thinks.

   After eating, Chu Ning made a cup of coffee and went upstairs, knocking on the door.

  The door came, Shen Jingyu's face appeared in front of her, his handsome face was calm and gentle, he reached out to take her coffee and said, "Come in."

  Chuning followed softly and was about to hug him when he realized that there were several people in the study.

   She immediately smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had guests."

   knew she should get more cups of coffee.

   "It's okay, I'll just drink the maid's brew." Seemingly seeing Chu Ning's embarrassment, Lan Feng raised the coffee in his hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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