The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1854: with unparalleled love

  Chapter 1854 with unparalleled love

   Chu Ning found out that both Lan Feng and the director were there.

"I invited them here. The other people are nutritionists and professional body assessment doctors, as well as the director of the production crew, and the assistant director." Shen Jing nodded and said, "Ningning, I want to fully understand your situation. After the physical condition and the shooting condition of the entire crew, we will make a decision.”

  Chuning understood that Shen Jingyu did not simply affirm or deny the question she raised.

   He is seriously considering and respecting everything about her, so he invited so many professionals to discuss together, wanting to make sure that she can do what she wants to do in a completely safe condition.

The bottom of Chu Ning's eyes was full of sourness. She simply thought that this was a problem she threw to Shen Jingyu, but she forgot that he was the man who loved her the most, and he loved him as much as she did, and would seek the best for each other. Find the most suitable way to accomplish each other's dreams and careers.

   Shen Jingyu pulled her to sit beside her, and looked at her sideways: "You will also cooperate with us today."

   "Yes." Chu Ning replied softly.

Lan Feng shook his head and said, "This coffee, the more you drink it, the more bitter you are. Chu Ning, you are a man who is too rude to do things. You asked us a lot of things in the morning. Talk about him."

   "He doesn't fuss at all, he is thorough and considerate!" Chu Ning did not hesitate to speak up to defend Shen Jingyu.

   "Eccentric!" Lan Feng snorted softly.

  The director and assistant, although they don't know who Shen Jingyu is, they were invited to this huge villa and ate this bowl of dog food. How could they question Chu Ning's identity?

They had thought secretly before that Chu Ning was so good-looking that even Lan Feng was doting on her, whether she was a young lover raised by some powerful old man outside, only now did they know that it was completely true. wrong!

   The family is the wife of the Ming media, and the husband is unbelievably good-looking. The two of them sitting together are completely talented and beautiful, and they are a very pleasing pair.

   On the same day, the professional doctor gave his opinion again. Chu Ning is currently in good health and is not showing off his feelings. If he is responsible for the shooting of modern works, he is fully competent without dangerous scenes.

   There was also a precedent for such an actress in filming before.

  The director also ensured that the filming of Chuning's scenes could be completed within 20 days, so as not to affect her later abortion time.

   Facing these professional reports, Shen Jingyu finally nodded in approval, "Okay, then that's it. Ning Ning, go ahead."

  Ignoring so many people present, Chu Ning threw himself into Shen Jingyu's arms, stood on tiptoe, and gave him a kiss.

   is thanks, but not always.

   It was his respect and consideration, and his empathy for her that made her show her incomparable love for this man.

   His favor is important, but his respect is more in line with the hidden expectations in Chu Ning's heart.

   He gave her everything she didn't dare to think about.

   was so heavy that Chu Ning didn't know how to thank him.

   Lan Feng put his hands in his pockets and said, "Ningning, we are still here."

   "Sorry." Chu Ning quickly let go of Shen Jingyu, but there was a flying look on his face.

   "Do you sign the contract, or does Shen Jingyu sign it?" Lan Feng put the things on the table.

   (end of this chapter)

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