Chapter 1884 Who is it?

   "Let's discuss today's cooperation." Lan Feng brought the topic back.

  Xiao Yao lowered her head to take the document, her heart was a little complicated. In this kind of cooperation, she can also meet Fu Meirou, and her hand is really not as long as usual.

   After talking with Fu Meirou about cooperation, Lan Feng opened the car door and Xiao Yao smiled, "No need, I happened to be visiting my grandma nearby. You go back first, Master Feng."

   "Your grandma lives here?"

   "No, she's sick, I'll take it for treatment. The medical conditions here are better."

   "Well, take it for me."

  Xiao Yao nodded: "Okay, thank you."

She walked towards the hospital, and Chu Ning called: "Xiao Yao, I met that Hua Yun, but she didn't say anything, indicating that she didn't know anything. It seems that I have to go to check it out tomorrow. something happened."

   "Okay. I'll also go see Heli again to see if there is any situation." Xiao Yao said.

  Strictly speaking, she is from the He family, He Li is her cousin, and she is the one who should help He Li the most.

   After she went to visit her grandmother, she came out, just in time to hear a nurse calling: "Huayun, it's your time to check!"

   Hearing the name Huayun, Xiao Yao paid special attention.

   This Huayun, shouldn't it be the Huayun who was involved in Heli's accident?

   She looked in that direction, a young girl with a simple appearance stepped forward and followed the nurse to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

  Xiao Yao took out her phone and called Chu Ning: "Chuning, what does Hua Yun look like? Can you give me a photo?"

   Soon, Chu Ning handed over the photo.

  Xiao Yao saw that this Huayun was exactly the Huayun that Chu Ning sent to her.

   Didn't she just graduate from college and intern in the crew? Wasn't it because he kept calling for help in order to resist the sponsor, that He Li injured someone for saving her?

   But why does it appear in the obstetrics and gynecology department?

  Xiao Yao is indeed a little confused.

   She paid more attention and waited where she was, trying to find out what was going on.

   After a while, Hua Yun came out, still waiting on the bench.

Xiao Yao was sitting next to her, very close, because Xiao Yao originally came to see her grandmother and had a lot of examination sheets from the hospital in her hand, so even sitting in that position didn't seem strange. .

  Hua Yun didn't have much defense against her either.

   So, Xiao Yao heard her conversation with the nurse: "The child is healthy, right?"

   "Yes, you are in the first trimester, you should pay more attention to avoid any fluctuations, otherwise it will affect the child's development."

  Xiao Yao finally heard clearly, Hua Yun is pregnant!

   A girl who is working as an intern in the crew has just graduated and has just gone through so many things. She is pregnant, and it really makes people think more.

  Xiao Yao went back with a stomach full of doubts.

   She went to the crew the next morning and told Chuning about this.

  Chuning said: "He Li helped her, but she refused to help him. There must be a problem behind this. It depends on who the man she is in contact with is."

  Chuning has bodyguards here, and she asked them to follow Huayun to see her living conditions.

   Soon, the bodyguard took a photo. She was in the mall with a man, buying maternity clothes.

  The man looked older, and the two of them looked intimate, not looking like a father-daughter relationship, but more like a couple relationship.

   (end of this chapter)

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