The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1885: If you don't know, do nothing but yourself

Chapter 1885

  Xiao Yao said after seeing the photo, "This man, shouldn't he be the sponsor who was beaten by He Li? Look at his face, there are still scars. I will go to He Li and ask right away!"

  Xiao Yao did as she said and ran directly to the police station to find Heli.

Seeing the photo, He Li said firmly: "Yes, it was this sponsor, who was frivolous at that time, and I helped. However, after the police came, she vehemently denied that there was such a thing. There was no surveillance at the time, so I'm really at a loss for words.

   Looking at this, Hua Yun is actually with this sponsor? "

   "Hua Yun is not only with her sponsor, she is also pregnant." Xiao Yao said, "So a lot of what she said was a lie."

  He Li was shocked: "But that sponsor has a wife and a daughter, and he is actually with Hua Yun."

   After all, he is young and innocent, and he has never seen many such things, especially when he is involved in it.

  Xiao Yao said: "So, she must have been involved in this matter and framed you. No wonder Chu Ning asked her before, but she didn't want to say anything. Don't worry, we will definitely help you in this matter."

   "Thank you." He Li was really grateful. Both Chu Ning and Xiao Yao helped themselves.

   "Then I'll go back, you'll be wronged for a few more days."

   After Xiao Yao went back, she told Chu Ning the situation.

  Chu Ning said calmly: "It looks like, find Hua Yun again, and things will be done."

   She made another appointment with Hua Yun, and Hua Yun was very vigilant: "Miss Chu, I think I made it clear last time I met you. We don't need to meet again, right?"

   "Miss Nahua wants to choose, his wife knows about herself and that sponsor?" Chu Ning said indifferently.

  Hua Yun was on the other end of the phone, silent for a long time, before she said with difficulty, "Miss Chu, what do you want?"

   "Miss Hua is a bit ridiculous. You asked He Li, who helped you, to be arrested, and you asked me what I wanted? What do you think I wanted?"

  Chuning gave Huayun a chance at first, but she didn't cherish it herself.

   So now, Chuning's tone has long lost the respect and politeness he had before.

  Hua Yun had to say, "I promise to meet you. Let's meet Miss Chu."

  Chuning went with Xiao Yao this time.

  Hua Yun saw Xiao Yao and recognized her appearance, her face changed: "You followed me in the hospital before?"

Xiao Yao said with a smile: "Miss Hua, don't say it so badly, I went to the hospital to visit patients, but I stumbled across it, you are pregnant. So the old saying is good, if you want someone to not know unless you don't do it yourself, you will sooner or later. known."

  Hua Yun had nothing to say for a while, she understood that Chu Ning and Xiao Yao had mastered her pregnancy.

   However, she still had a bit of luck and said, "I am indeed pregnant, but this matter has nothing to do with whether I am pregnant or not."

  Xiao Yao snorted and said, "Really? What about the matter between you and the sponsor?"

After   , he threw a stack of photos on the table.

   In the photo, it is the intimate picture of Hua Yun and the sponsor together, and anyone can see how the relationship between them is.

  The fact that she was a mistress is obvious.

   "Tell me, what's the matter with you? Who asked you to do this?" Chu Ning asked lightly.

   (end of this chapter)

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