Chapter 1886 Let me go

   "I... Pan Fangfang ordered me." Hua Yun whispered, "She found out about the affair between me and the sponsor and threatened me to tell his wife. I could only beg her.

   She said, as long as I can use any method to send He Li to prison for a period of time, I will never know about this matter.

   But I don't know how to get He Li in. He is only a very small role, and he works diligently every day to help everyone. He is a good person. "

  Chu Ning and Xiao Yao looked at each other, this Pan Fangfang is really vicious, last time it was just because He Li said a few words to Chu Ning, she was hated by her!

   For this reason, he did not hesitate to tidy up Heli like this.

Hua Yun continued: "I had no choice but to think of this way. That day, the sponsor came to see me, and we were in the backstage lounge... I deliberately called for help and told him it was for fun. Then I attracted He Li, Made him think I was being attacked... made him angrily and beat the sponsor hard.

   Then when the police came, I denied what happened before.

   As a result, the entire crew was afraid of offending the sponsors, and the sponsors were seriously injured, so they were eager to have He Li convicted.

   There was no one to speak to He Li, and there was no surveillance in that place, so He Li could not escape.

  I have completed the task that Pan Fangfang gave me.

   The last time you came to me, I really dared not say that, I was covered with black spots, became a junior, and was pregnant. If Pan Fangfang treated me again, I would have nothing. "

   "I'm too lazy to ask about your private life. But you framed He Li, you must clarify for him." Chu Ning said, "If he doesn't come out, you should just wait for the scandal to come out."

  Hua Yun was frightened, "Miss Chu, don't! I don't want this!"

  Chuning said, "Then go to the police station and explain what happened to He Li."

"But if this is the case, the sponsor will know that I framed He Li. I don't dare to lose his trust. I am pregnant with his child. Yes, I am pregnant. Miss Chu, please look at the child's sake. Come on, let me go..." Hua Yun cried hoarsely.

Chu Ning was pregnant with her own child, and seeing her like this, he said, "It's okay not to let the sponsor know about this matter, you can go to the police station to explain the matter clearly, and then, not only do you use any method, so that the sponsor can no longer be held accountable.

   As for Pan Fangfang, do you think she is here for you? She came for me. As long as you hold on to the sponsor, she won't dare to trouble you.

   I have shown you the way, if you still refuse, I have no choice. "

  Huayun is wrong and guilty after all.

   Chu Ning's words have already given her the greatest retreat.

   If she doesn't know what's up, she'll really be damned.

  Hua Yun came to the police station with Chu Ning and Xiao Yao, and explained the truth to them to ensure that He Li did not make a mistake.

   As for the sponsor, she just needs to blow some pillow air.

   For the sake of the child in her belly, he should not pursue this matter any longer.

  Hori was released.

   Messy hair and tired look can hardly hide his handsomeness and righteousness.

   In front of him, Hua Yun was dwarfed and whispered, "I'm sorry, Heli."

   (end of this chapter)

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