Chapter 2004 A big gap is cracked

   "It's just Miss Xiao. With this current practice, our budget is seriously exceeding the standard. I'm afraid that the money will not be enough in the later stage." Sun Tiane is very worried, generally the crew will spend less in the early stage.

   Because there will be many unexpected problems in the later stage, the cost will be very high.

  For the sake of insurance, most producers tighten first and then loosen, so as to avoid problems due to insufficient funds in the later stage.

"Tian'e, what you said is very reasonable. However, the money that should be spent in the early stage must be spent. Before the troops and horses have moved food and grass, especially the insurance and props, one is related to the personal and property safety of the crew; Props are related to the quality of the director's finished film, and money cannot be saved in these places."

  Sun Tian'e nodded, Xiao Yao said again: "As long as the money is spent on the blade, there is nothing to say that it exceeds the standard."

  Since Xiao Yao said so, Sun Tian'e could only do what she wanted.

  Xiao Yao and Sun Tiane had just returned to the crew when they heard someone shout, "No, something happened!"

   "Something went wrong!"

   Someone ran towards Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao asked sternly, "Why are you so panic? Speak slowly."

   "Miss Xiao, just now there was a lamp stand on the drama management side that wasn't taken care of, and it fell down. I smashed the antique table you borrowed this morning, and it cracked a lot."

  Xiao Yao's complexion suddenly changed.

   This is because Director Zhou said that the shooting really needs an antique table that matches the background of the story, and the imitation ones are too fake, so Xiao Yao went out and borrowed such a table.

   This old man who borrowed the table had cooperated with Xiao Yao on an interview and program on antiques. Out of trust in Xiao Yao, he agreed to lend the table.

   Now that it is broken, how can Xiao Yao explain to others?

   How to shoot this follow-up plot?

Xiao Yao walked over quickly and wanted to scold the person in charge of the show, but found the staff member in charge of the light stand lying on the ground. It was said that he had just stepped forward to protect the table and was injured by the light stand. .

  Xiao Yao could no longer scold people and said, "Send him to the hospital first. In any case, personal safety is the most important thing."

   She stepped forward to check it, and the table was cracked a lot.

   Although it is said that the antique table is made of a very unique wood, it is usually very strong and strong, and generally speaking, there will be no such large cracks.

   But after all, this is a long time ago, and it is hit so hard again, how can it withstand it?

   Not to mention that I can't explain it, even when Xiao Yao looked at this place, she couldn't help but feel distressed, this is a cultural relic! It is something handed down from the ancestors, carrying many years of feelings, and ancient culture in it.

  Sun Tian'e was also stunned when she saw this, and persuaded: "Miss Xiao, fortunately you have the foresight and bought insurance for everything here."

She secretly rejoiced that she obeyed Xiao Yao and bought all the insurance that she should have bought. Although she spent a little more money, it is indeed a guarantee when such an accident happens, and it is not necessary to have all the crew. bear.

   "Although there is insurance, this relic has been damaged, it's really..." Xiao Yao was so uncomfortable that she couldn't speak.

   Zhang Yaowen saw this and wanted to tell Xiao Yao that this was an imitation prop, but the imitation was too realistic, so people couldn't tell the truth and it was really still in the crew's office.

   (end of this chapter)

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