The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2005: Why didn't you tell me the first time

   Chapter 2005 Why didn't you tell me the first time

   However, he thought about it, isn't this opportunity to prove to Lan Feng that Xiao Yao is not enough to play the role of a producer?

   After such a big incident, Xiao Yao took care of the aftermath?

   If you handle it a little bit improperly, you will lose the trust of Lan Feng and the entire crew. At that time, you will stand up and solve the problem properly. Isn't the identity of the producer supposed to belong to you?

   Thinking of this, Zhang Yaowen was no longer in a hurry to tell the truth, but just persuaded: "Miss Xiao, something has happened, and it is important to solve the problem. How about we notify Young Master Feng to solve it?"

   "No, I will handle it myself." Xiao Yao said.

  When Lan Feng didn't come to the crew, it means that he has very important things to deal with.

   As the producer of "The Legend of Yao Fei", of course, he has to take up the responsibility here. How could he go directly to Lan Feng if something happened?

  Can not rely on the feelings of both sides, and the public and private are not divided.

   She first called the old man and revealed a little bit of wind, saying that she would come to visit and apologize when the time came, so as to stabilize the mood of the old man.

After   , he called Gong Yunxi and asked her to help find out if there is a skilled craftsman who can restore the cultural relics, so as to restore this precious antique table as well as possible.

   Then let Sun Tiane contact the insurance company to report to see if he can apply for insurance compensation.

   Quickly slashed the mess to calm things down, and Xiao Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

   She was going to the hospital to visit the injured worker. Zhou Zhuo found her, "Miss Xiao, this smashed table doesn't seem to be an antique."

   "What, is there a problem?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "I looked at it in detail just now. This table seems to be made by the props team, not the antique I want. Look at the edges and wood."

  Xiao Yao carefully checked according to Zhou Zhuo's words, and found that Zhou Zhuo's words were indeed reasonable.

Zhou Zhuo touched the baking paint on it and said, "I've seen this kind of antique table before, and I've also photographed it. I can be sure that this one is not the one that was brought up in the morning. I took a photo of the one in the morning. "

  Zhou Zhuo is a person who keeps improving his photography. He shows the photos to Xiao Yao.

   This contrast is more obvious. Although the styles and colors are the same, the gap between antiques and imitations is indeed a bit big.

   Xiao Yao didn't notice it just now, but after Zhou Zhuo's guidance, he found out.

   She immediately asked Sun Tiane not to apply for insurance for the time being. The tables were not the same, and applying for insurance would not have much effect.

   She was surprised: "This is a prop table, so what about the real table?"

   Zhou Zhuo shook his head, indicating he didn't know.

  Although the antique table was not damaged, Xiao Yao was very happy, but it really disappeared, but it also made her a little worried.

   Zhou Zhuo said: "No matter what, someone must have done this. The crew is only so big, if someone wants to hide, it must have a purpose."

   "Okay, then please don't mention this to anyone for the time being, Director Zhou, and I'll talk about it after I check it first."

  Xiao Yao's psychology is very strange, some people hide the antique table, and some people want to destroy the antique table.

   Are they the same group of people, or are there two groups of people?

  She walked out, Lan Feng was striding towards her.

   "Xiao Yao!" Lan Feng came over and came to her side, "I heard that something happened in the crew, what happened?"

  Xiao Yao explained the matter roughly, Lan Feng said, "Why didn't you tell me right away?"

   (end of this chapter)

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