Chapter 2071 Don't mess up

   He felt guilty about Jiang Jingjing, so he went home a little earlier.

   Originally thought it was a warm family gathering, but I didn’t expect so many guests at home.

   Immediately, Jiang Qi's face fell.

  Jiang Jingjing was his niece after all in front of outsiders. He celebrated his birthday with such a big fanfare and invited so many guests, which made Jiang Qi angry.

   Jiang Jingjing is too naive!

   If this is taken advantage of by people with intentions, how will this matter end?

   "Uncle, you're back!" Jiang Jingjing ran towards Jiang Qi and hugged his arm affectionately.

   She just wanted people to know how good her relationship with Jiang Qi was, so that everyone would know how much she was valued in the Jiang family.

   When the guests saw Jiang Qi coming back, they all stepped forward to say hello and greeted him.

  Jiang Qi had to do some superficial work and greeted with a smile.

   "You young people play by yourself, I won't spoil you here." After Jiang Qi finished speaking, he walked upstairs.

   Everyone really felt that Jiang Qi was here and felt restrained. As soon as he left, everyone started to play around again.

  Jiang Jingjing's face grew, and she was in a better mood.

   As long as you have Jiang Qi's favor and have these strong social relationships, if you want to develop a relationship with Lan Feng in the future, isn't that something you can easily capture?

   Jiang Qi was very angry and entered the study, and Mrs. Jiang followed.

   He said: "What's going on? Jingjing is making a fool of yourself, you also let her make a fool of yourself?"

"Husband, don't be angry, Jingjing always said that she wanted to have a lively birthday, and I didn't want to make a big splash. But I also thought that Jingjing is your daughter, and I can't be too harsh, so she begged , I agreed. I also don't want your daughter to be wronged." Mrs. Jiang excused herself and said a few words with sincerity.

  Jiang Qi didn't blame her, he said, "The birthday party is almost done. When the time is up, you can ask everyone to clean up and go home. Don't make too much of a mess."

   "I see." Mrs. Jiang smiled.

  Jiang Qi originally put down his work and went home when he was dealing with official business. As soon as he sat down, he opened the safe and took out the documents to deal with.

   When he opened the safe, he was shocked, as if the safe had been compromised, the contents inside had also been touched, and a few pages of documents were missing.

   "Have you come to get something?" Jiang Qi asked Mrs. Jiang.

  Mrs. Jiang was deliberately surprised and said, "Of course not anymore. I never come in casually in your study. You also know that your things are very important. How could I touch them casually? What's the matter? Is there something missing?"

  Jiang Qi also knew that Mrs. Jiang and her husband and wife for decades had never done such a thing.

   But today he only went out near evening. Before going out, everything in the safe was fine.

   Now something is clearly missing.

   He said angrily, "What a birthday banquet! What's there to do! There are so many idle people waiting at home, how can nothing happen!"

   Mrs. Jiang was also surprised and said, "Husband, did you lose something? What is it? Let's call the housekeeper to ask!"

  Jiang Qi immediately called and called his bodyguard over. At present, he was not sure what was missing.

   But something is missing from the safe for sure.

   (end of this chapter)

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