The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2072: harmless to everyone

   Chapter 2072 is harmless to everyone

   If it was his own family that moved, that's fine, but if the confidential documents inside were seen by outsiders with ulterior motives, his own identity and status would not be able to escape.

"You all go downstairs quietly and see if anyone is abnormal. Also, no matter what method you use, I will check everyone's bags for anything that shouldn't be there. Also, everyone's cell phone. They have to check to see if they have photographed anything!" Jiang Qi gave his bodyguard a death order!

  The bodyguard immediately went out.

   Mrs. Jiang seemed to be frightened: "Husband, what's going on, don't you scare me? What the **** is missing!"

"The missing pages of documents are not particularly confidential. But if the contents of my safe are photographed or leaked, it will be too serious! Next time, no family will be allowed without my permission. Banquet birthday banquet!" Jiang Qi was devastated.

   Mrs. Jiang knew very well that Jiang Jingjing took the things to deliberately frame Xiao Yao.

So she was not worried at all, and persuaded: "It's all young people here today. Maybe someone accidentally bumped into it. If it was said that someone was involved in some kind of conspiracy and sabotage, it's definitely not. Husband, don't be too much. worried."

  Jiang Qi also made sense when he thought about it, so he was a little relieved.

   The chief bodyguard immediately went out and disconnected the network at the scene.

   Several people who were playing games immediately jumped up: "What's going on? Why is there no internet?"

   "WiFi, 4G can't even connect, what's going on?"

  The bodyguards used a signal blocking device, so naturally they couldn't connect.

   Several girls who were watching the drama together also stood up: "What are you doing?"

   The chief bodyguard had a serious face, but now he stood up and said with a smile: "I don't know if it's a problem with your mobile phone or the network problem here? Why don't I have someone check it for you all."

  As the chief bodyguard, he usually does not show any signs or leaks, but some people still recognize his identity and know that he is a close associate of Jiang Qi.

   If he does this, it must be harmless to everyone.

   Everyone handed over their mobile phones to him and the bodyguards beside him.

   They checked the mobile phones of these people very quickly, and there was no trace of any secret photos taken, most of them just took some photos of the banquet tonight.

   Of course, if they shoot something and send it out, the chief bodyguard can also use technical means to intervene and find it.

   Now just check the local images on their phone.

   "I don't have an internet or signal, so I can't even get on the internet. You guys can help me check it too." Xiao Yao smiled and handed over the phone.

   Others must have no idea what these bodyguards are doing.

   But Xiao Yao knew too well that it must be the Jiang family who lost something, so many bodyguards were alerted to look for them, and it was only after returning from Jiang Qi that these bodyguards started to move.

  What they lost is self-evidently these few pages of documents in their hands.

  The first thing they did was check their mobile phones, which shows that Jiang Qi took this matter very seriously.

  Xiao Yao is glad that she didn't use her mobile phone to take pictures of the contents of those few pages of documents just now, otherwise it would be too late to delete them on the spot.

  The eyes of these bodyguards are the same as searchlights, and some people are holding video devices. Obviously, they will not miss any clues.

   (end of this chapter)

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