Chapter 2108 A thick layer of shadow

   After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the place where Xiao Yue was working.

   Lan Feng clenched his fists and slammed the car heavily.

  He bears all the humiliation and bears the burden, and he doesn't need others to understand, but if even she can't give the slightest trust, what's the point of it all?

   He admitted that he was wrong for not telling her beforehand, but as soon as he was done, he rushed over.

   And she didn't even want to hear him say a word.

   He got into the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

   The car drove fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   When Xiao Yao turned around, his car had completely disappeared from sight. He really was talking about divorce, right?

   had long known that there was a moment when she didn't want to escape.

   It's just that when I think of the sweetness of the past engraved in my mind, I can't help but feel a tingling...

  Xiao Yue ran over, looked around and said, "Xiao Yao, are you here?"

   "Where are Lian'er and Tingting?" Xiao Yao wiped away her tears with a backhand.

   "No, they are all in the school. It was Master Feng who said that you can come here. He came to apologize to you."

   Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment, he wants to apologize?

   So what does this mean, is it okay that he and Fu Meirou will not continue like that? Now you turn your head and come back to find yourself?

   She is really stupid, she knows that he and Fu Meirou are golden boys and girls, and they are a pair that the whole Jingyuan is optimistic about. She used to fantasize about growing old with him.

  She shouldn't have had such a dream.

   "Xiao Yao, why are you arguing with Young Master Feng? What are you all for? He has come to make peace with you, so you should just give in." Xiao Yue advised.

   Lan Feng and Xiao Yao both felt very good, and didn't want to watch them go wrong.

   Xiao Yao shook her head: "There is no way to make up, he and other women have children outside."

   "This..." Xiao Yue also didn't expect things to be like this.

   She said angrily: "How can Lan Feng do this? It's too bullying! I'll ask the child's father to talk to him and judge!"

  Xiao Yao grabbed her: "Xiao Yue, don't worry about it. He and I are about to divorce, you can do your job."

  Xiao Yue opened her mouth, trying to persuade her to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

  Xiao Yao left the company and walked out slowly, returning to the aimlessness as before.

   All his thoughts were emptied, his mind was too chaotic to hold anything, and it was as heavy as holding the whole world.

  Lan Feng's car came back without driving far. When he came back, he saw Xiao Yao walking down the street with her head down.

   Her thin figure was extraordinarily petite, shrouded in a thick shadow.

  Lan Feng stopped the car and ran in front of her quickly, "Xiao Yao."

  Xiao Yao raised her eyes to see him coming back, just to see his face clearly, but after a short period of time, there was a bit of vicissitudes on his face out of thin air.

   "Xiao Yao, I have a lot to tell you, get in my car." Lan Feng tried his best to be calm.

   "If you want to give me the divorce agreement, give it to me now."

  Xiao Yao blinked, tears fell, and stubbornly wiped them away.

  Lan Feng looked distressed, but it was impossible to talk about Xiao Yue on the street, so he nodded and said, "In the car, you can get in the car with me."

  Xiao Yao finally followed him into the car.

   "Where's the stuff?" she asked.

   "You're so looking forward to getting a divorce from me?" Lan Feng's tone became a little unkind.

   (end of this chapter)

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