Chapter 2109 Heinous things

   Every time the word divorce comes out of Xiao Yao's mouth, it makes him angry.

  Yes, he did hide a lot of things from her, which made her worry.

   But she always talks about divorce, isn't it too much!

  Xiao Yao lowered her head slightly and did not speak. This matter was not something she could choose.

   Lan Feng handed her the phone and opened a video.

  Xiao Yao opened it for unknown reasons and glanced at it. When she saw the disgusting picture above, she slapped Lan Feng on the face: "Lan Feng, what do you mean?"

   "This is Xiao Yue's video. She was out playing with her colleague once, and something happened accidentally. It was filmed by someone, and she didn't even know about it." Lan Feng explained.

  Xiao Yao was surprised: "She has always been honest, and it must be because she is not good at rejecting colleagues, that something happened."

   "I checked, and it was indeed an accident. She drank too much and was in a messy bar again, which caused the incident."

Xiao Yao said worriedly: "Then who else knows? Who filmed this? If you leave this kind of thing, her life will definitely be ruined. Xiao Yue is honest and simple, she must not be able to accept this. of!"

   "It was taken by those people and was intercepted by Fu Meirou. These people have been sent to prison."

   Hearing that it was Fu Meirou, Xiao Yao held her breath, it was that woman every time!

   With her power, how many heinous things she has done!

  Xiao Yao was trembling with anger, she didn't have to think about it to know what a terrible result these things would have in Fu Meirou's hands.

  If Xiao Yue gets hurt because of this, even Lian'er and Tingting will not be spared...

   "I'm going to find Fu Meirou!" Xiao Yao said immediately.

   Lan Feng grabbed her wrist: "I have already taken everything back from her."

  Xiao Yao was completely stunned, as if something came back to her mind, Lan Feng stayed by Fu Meirou's side and didn't come back for so many days, is he just for this?

   Her surprised eyes met Lan Feng's.

   She didn't dare to hope that the truth of the matter was like this.

   However, under her gaze, Lan Feng nodded lightly: "Yes, that's what you think. Did you think that I was with Fu Meirou this time to get this thing back? I really am."

   "So you stay with Fu Meirou..."

   "To distract her and take all the backups. Never really for her."

  Xiao Yao immediately understood his painstaking efforts. He had been busy helping Xiao Yue, but he misunderstood him and said so many hurtful words...

  Lan Feng reached out and took her into his arms, rubbing her hair: "Trust me now?"

   "But you just said to give me the divorce agreement..."

   "If I don't tell you, will you get in the car with me? Also, I can't talk about Xiao Yue in public, can I?" Lan Feng took the phone out of her hand and directly chose to delete it and smash it.

   This is the last backup, and after deleting it, it is completely gone.

"Xiao Yue is too honest for such a thing to happen. But the matter has been resolved, and such a thing will not happen again in the future. Fu Meirou can't do anything to her now. Now that the election is going on, Fu Meirou has to be careful about the influence. ." Lan Feng said comfortingly, "And you, you don't believe me, think I will be disloyal, should I fight?"

   (end of this chapter)

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