Chapter 2181 deepens doubts

   "It's me!" When Su Mi saw Chu Zhuohang, she realized that he was the father of this little boy.

   Before she could think about it, she immediately said, "Sir, for the sake of my helping your son, please contact Dr. Gu for me. I just want to ask him to check my mother."

  Chu Zhuohang's eyes fell on the sloppy and bloated woman in front of him.

A person like    can hardly make a good impression just by looking at his appearance, not to mention that Su Mi is so eager to seek rewards from him.

   This made Chu Zhuohang narrow his eyes and was very suspicious of her motives.

   He looked at her coldly: "You happened to pass by the place where the car accident happened and happened to save the child?"

  The servant didn't take credit and said to her: "Yes, this lady happened to be at the scene and helped right away. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. Fortunately, she was there..."

   These words deepened Chu Zhuohang's doubts.

   She happened to be begging him, but at just the right time and place, she saved his child and rushed to the hospital as soon as possible.

   It's hard to say whether this was her premeditated plan.

   Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

   "Sir, I don't need anything else in return, I just ask you..." Su Mi thought that he would definitely not refuse her request.

  Who knows, the next second, Chu Zhuohang's eyes became extraordinarily cold: "Before you know whether the car accident is related to you, you are also one of the suspects in the car accident. Come on, take her to investigate!"

   "You can't avenge your kindness! I helped you, but you did this to me. I don't even know what the car accident was..." Su Mi tried her best to defend herself.

   But her voice was low and unpleasant. When it came to the back, her voice became lower and deeper, and with Chu Zhuohang's bodyguard dragging her away, it was impossible for Su Mi to continue speaking completely.

  The driver and servant were too scared to speak.

  Chu Zhuohang was a little suspicious. Although Shi Chen's skin disgust symptoms were much lighter than his, he was also disgusted by the touch of outsiders.

  At home, I try not to let the servants hug him.

   And today Su Mi actually carried him from the car accident and ran to the hospital...

   Could it be that that woman is?

impossible! Chu Zhuohang immediately dismissed the idea. First of all, the woman gave the impression of being too disgusting and sloppy, and she seemed to be a little old.

   Shi Chen looks so cute, how could there be such a mother?

   Moreover, although he didn't remember what the woman's appearance and body were like at the time, he still had a vague impression that she was a slender and beautiful girl, how could he be hooked on the woman in front of him.

  Chu Zhuohang immediately drove this thought out of his mind.

  Because the thought of that woman made him feel too uncomfortable, Chu Zhuohang couldn't help but let out a half-cough.

   In short, even if it was a car accident, it had nothing to do with that woman, she definitely came here with a request, and Chu Zhuohang did not intend to pay attention to her.

   Sitting in front of his son's hospital bed, Chu Zhuohang called Dr. Fang Tingfang.

   At this time, it is difficult for him to disturb Gu Yunchen.

"Did you say that the young master can be hugged? His condition is indeed lighter than yours, and with the addition of Dr. Gu's medicine, he can be hugged and touched. It's just inevitable that sometimes If there is psychological resistance, it is also a habitual state after illness, just take it slowly." Fang Ting said.

   (end of this chapter)

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