Chapter 2182 Roll

   "So it is." Chu Zhuohang said in a low voice, it turned out that it was not only the woman who could hug him, but others too.

   All this is just a coincidence.

   looked down at his son for a while, Chu Zhuohang stood up and planned to go out and buy him some snacks.

   arranged for the servant to take good care of him before he walked out.

  Su Mi was taken by the bodyguards to cooperate with the police investigation. It was not until it was confirmed that she did not even drive a car today and was riding a bus, so she was barely cleared of the suspicion.

   And the person who drove the car and caused the accident had nothing to do with Su Mi.

   "Then can I go now?" Su Mi asked loudly.

   The bodyguard glanced at her with disgust. She looked righteous and awe-inspiring as if she was afraid of being violated. It was really funny. No one would want such a woman for free, right?

   "Let's go." The bodyguard waved to her.

  Su Mi picked up her jacket and walked out exhausted.

   The contempt in everyone's eyes, she has long been used to it during the year she gained weight.

   She came out and saw a familiar figure who was about to enter the elevator.

   That man is the man who is related to Gu Yunchen, the father of the little boy.

   He stood tall and tall at the elevator door, with a tall and straight back. At this moment, Su Mi realized that this man's dignity and aura of alienation isolated everyone else from a distance.

   And in front of him, she was even more unbearable like a lump of mud, one in the sky and the other in the ground.

   In her heart, a feeling of inferiority suddenly rose, and inferiority was like a huge shadow, following her side.

  Su Mi squeezed her fist and couldn't find Gu Yunchen. She had no choice but to find him.

   Although he hated himself so much that he even misunderstood that he had caused a car accident, Su Mi still didn't want to give up.

   "Hey, sir..." Su Mi rushed towards Chu Zhuohang's position.

   The strength was not well mastered, and the body was too bulky, not as light as before. Although Su Mi rushed into the elevator, she hit Chu Zhuohang heavily.

  Chu Zhuohang just bought the small cakes, hot milk, and shrimp porridge, all spilled on his straight-shaven suit, and then spilled all over the floor.

  Su Mi looked at the scene in front of her and was stunned. On his straight, expensive clothes, cream, milk, and shrimp were all over his body.

   She followed the clothes and looked up, and her eyes fell on the handsome and handsome face of the man. The handsome face was so dark that there was a trace of gloomy indifference.

  Su Mi really didn't expect this result, she quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it..."

  Chu Zhuohang gritted his teeth: "Go away!"

   "Sir, I really..." Su Mi stretched out her fingers, holding a pack of tissues in her hand.

  Chu Zhuohang pressed the elevator button, and the elevator stopped in the middle of a certain floor.

   He didn't want to spend more time with this woman for a second, and every second he stayed there would make him feel sick.

   Where did this broom star come from?

   Watching Chu Zhuohang leave, Su Mi squatted down helplessly, and the pain spread in her heart.

  The doctors all said that the mother's illness was incurable, but she still wanted to save it. It was her mother.

   She didn't know where Gu Yunchen lived or where she usually went, and the institute refused to let her in. The only thing she could find was Chu Zhuohang.

   (end of this chapter)

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