The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2187: The pain of poking the heart

   Chapter 2187 The pain of poking the heart and lungs

In fact, it was because the bodyguards found someone to restore the hospital's monitoring system last night, and found that Xiao Chen really left the ward by himself, and went to find Su Mi by accident. Chu Zhuohang misunderstood Su Mi and only contacted him. Doctor Fang, to help Su Mi's mother heal.

  Chu Zhuohang has always been a person with clear grievances, he is not used to owe anyone's favor.

  Su Mi helped, and he paid it back on the spot.

  Xiao Zhan could only keep his mouth shut. Looking at Su Mi's ugly appearance, he sneered a little. Sure enough, a beautiful person can be kind-hearted. Such a woman will only doubt the good intentions of the young master.

  Chu Zhuohang said indifferently: "You can accept it or not. If you don't agree, the matter will end here."

  Su Mi was indeed a little hesitant. She repeatedly inquired and knew that Gu Yunchen was a famous doctor, but she had never heard of Fang Ting's name.

   But after weighing it again and again, she still agreed. Since she was the doctor introduced by Chu Zhuohang, her medical skills must be excellent.

   The young man just now also said that Dr. Fang is very capable, and hope is better than no hope.

  The mother stayed in the hospital and could only wait for the final result. It is better to try this doctor Fang.

   "Then thank this young master." Su Mi said with a bow.

  Doctor Fang nodded and said, "I'll look at your mother's medical records in the afternoon. Now I'm going to change the medicine for the young master."

   He took out the medicine box. When Xiao Chen saw the medicine box, his face turned pale, his little head shook like a rattle, and he wrinkled his face aggrieved.

   "Master, I want to change the medicine." Doctor Fang motioned for Chu Zhuohang to hold Xiao Chen down.

   Xiao Chen's tears rolled out all of a sudden, crying and refusing to stretch his arms.

  Chu Zhuohang was also very distressed, but he had to hold his arm and hand it to Doctor Fang.

   Xiao Chen injured his arm, all of which were traumatic injuries. After the gauze was removed, there was a wound on the thin skin and tender meat, which was very shocking.

   The process of applying medicine is inevitably painful, and adults may not be able to accept it.

   Xiao Chen originally just shed tears and didn't cry out loud, but as soon as the medicine was put on, he cried out with a wow, and the tender voice made people feel distressed.

  Su Mi felt even more uncomfortable.

   Xiao Chen burst into tears, and his small arms were also swaying. Chu Zhuohang was reluctant to hold it down with a heavy hand, and the scene of the dressing change jumped.

  Chu Zhuohang, a raw father, was sweating all over.

   He doesn't have many opportunities to get along with Xiao Chen, and he has to face such a situation. Even if he is used to seeing **** scenes, he is a little lost for a while...

  Xiao Zhan didn't dare to touch the young master, and the other bodyguards looked at each other in dismay, and there was no one who could help.

  The servant seldom hugs the young master, and is even more worried that he will do bad things if he comes forward.

   A room full of men didn't know how to coax their children, and the scene was as terrifying as a war.

   "Master, let me hold the young master." Su Mi finally couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing the young master crying like this, she was really distressed.

  Chu Zhuohang gave her a distrustful look.

Su Mi said: "Master, let me try it, what if he will listen to me? After all, I am also a woman, so I should be a little more experienced in dealing with children than men. The first time I took the medicine yesterday, it wasn't me who hugged me. Is it for the young master?"

  Chu Zhuohang looked at the waste materials in the room, and finally handed Xiao Chen to Su Mi.

   (end of this chapter)

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