Chapter 2188 I am dereliction of duty

  Su Mi hugged Xiao Chen, he aggrieved and rested his head on Su Mi's chest, crying and shedding tears, his little hands hanging down weakly.

   This makes people feel more distressed.

  Su Mi whispered a few words in his ear, Xiao Chen finally stopped crying slowly and let Su Mi hold his arm.

   Although he didn't cry, he was still crying in pain.

  Su Mi took his arm and said to Fang Ting, "Doctor Fang, please hurry up and be gentle."

   "Okay." Dr. Fang is skilled in medicine and is very experienced in dealing with injuries. As long as Chen doesn't move around in an hour, he can handle the wound very quickly.

   After ten minutes, Xiao Chen's arm was finally replaced with the medicine and a new gauze was put on.

Dr. Fang said: "The wound is a little deep, but luckily it didn't hurt the bones. It should be enough to change the medicine for another week. During this period, you must take good care, and you must not get infected, otherwise the young master is too young to bear it. risk of infection."

   "Okay, okay." Su Mi replied hurriedly, hugging Xiaochen distressedly, "Baby don't cry, it's alright, it's all changed."

  Chu Zhuohang's eyes fell on Su Mi. When he looked at her, even though she was still fat, she found that she was a little more pleasing to the eye.

   However, it is just a little bit.

   He reached out to retrieve Xiao Chen.

   "No..." Xiao Chen shook his small head and got into Su Mi's arms, refusing to be hugged by others.

   Xiao Chen probably felt that the pain just now was brought to him by Chu Zhuohang, and he looked at him with vigilance and fear.

   This look made Chu Zhuohang's heart soften. He really had too little time to accompany him. No wonder he didn't trust him. As a father, he was dereliction of duty.

   "Why don't I coax the young master to sleep first, and then hand it over to you?" Su Mi suggested.

   Chu Zhuohang didn't like this opinion, but seeing how Xiao Chen was resisting himself now, he had no other choice.

  Su Mi sat down and spoke to Xiao Chen in a low voice, Xiao Chen's tears finally stopped, and a clear smile appeared on her round little face.

  Su Mi was talking, Xiao Chen was too tired and slowly closed his eyes.

   Looking at his calm sleeping face, Su Mi's heart softened and she was about to hand him over to Chu Zhuohang, when Su Mi's mind suddenly flashed other thoughts.

  Su Mi thought of her mother's illness, and she would definitely have to trouble Doctor Fang a lot in the future.

   It seems that Dr. Fang is Chu Zhuohang's family doctor.

   If he stayed in the Chu family, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to his mother’s treatment?

   Moreover, even if Dr. Wan Fang was really powerless against his mother's condition, as long as he stayed at Chu's house, he would have a chance to see Dr. Gu at that time.

   After thinking about this, Su Mi said to Chu Zhuohang sternly: "That, young master, does the Chu family lack servants?"

   She had heard his name called Young Master before, and only then did she know his surname was Chu.

  Chu Zhuohang was startled: "What?"

   "I mean, if the Chu family is short of servants, I can come to work." Su Mi hurriedly recommended herself.

   "No shortage." Chu Zhuohang reached out and hugged Xiaochen.

He saw at a glance the woman's prudence. She planned to stay at the Chu family so that Doctor Fang could treat her mother with all her heart, and if Doctor Wan Fang failed to treat her mother, she still had The opportunity passed him to find Dr. Gu.

   (end of this chapter)

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