The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2189: what does that have to do with me

   Chapter 2189 What does that have to do with me

   Really has a lot of scheming. Chu Zhuohang doesn't like this kind of approach that is too strong. The Chu family has always had loyal servants.

  Su Mi saw his disgust for herself in his calm and unwavering eyes. He looked at himself indifferently, but his purpose was invisible in his eyes.

Despite this, she had to be cheeky and continued to plead: "Master Chu, I promise to complete my work with all my heart. Apart from this, there will be no other requirements. I believe that you are both a father and a son. , I can understand the filial piety that a daughter wants to show, right?"

   "What does that have to do with me?" Chu Zhuohang raised his eyelashes lazily. She needed a doctor, and he had already fulfilled her request.

"..." Su Mi knew that he really had no obligation to help herself, "Master Chu, the young master still needs to change the medicine, I believe that I can definitely help you, right? If the next time the medicine is changed, the young master will cry again. If you do, you'll feel bad too, won't you?"

   Her words are not without reason.

  Although Chu Zhuohang could ask for help from Chu Ning, Ye Shu or his mother, however, Chu Ning and Ye Shu have their own things to take care of, and the mother also has to help them take care of their children.

   Especially Chu Ning's daughter, Xiao Chuxin, is a few months younger than Xiao Chen, and it's a time when someone is needed.

   It is indeed a lot more convenient to leave Su Mi.

   "Xiao Zhan, let her stay. When Xiao Chen gets better, let her leave." Chu Zhuohang compromised, but he could only compromise half a step.

  Su Mi was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master Chu!"

  Although we can only stay for one more week, it also means one more week of hope and opportunity.

Xiao Zhan glanced at Su Mi's ugly body and face, tsk tsk tsk, although rationally told him not to judge people by their appearance, but emotionally, like most ordinary people, it is difficult to judge a person completely without relying on appearance. Inherent.

   Besides, Su Mi's appearance is really far from normal.

   I am afraid that only a child like the young master who has no aesthetic ability would be willing to get close to her.

   "Tell you, don't try to hit our young master's idea!" Xiao Zhan warned that he would never allow the young master to have such a young grandmother.

   Of course, it is impossible for the young master to like such a young grandma.

  Su Mi smiled kindly at him, now that there is hope for her mother's illness, she doesn't care about Xiao Zhan's rude words.

   In the afternoon, Dr. Fang gave Su mother a series of examinations.

   "Doctor Fang, how is the situation?" Su Mi asked worriedly.

"It's really dangerous, but it's not all hopeless." Dr. Fang said, "It can be cured, but it's very troublesome, it takes half a year, and the cost is also very high. Logically, you are the one who the young master is taking care of, so I shouldn't charge you. But the hospital is not mine, and I don’t work here, and some treatments require the help of other doctors and nurses, as well as the use of their equipment, and you have to pay the hospital for this fee.”

   "It doesn't matter! As long as it can be cured, you can pay as much as you want!" Su Mi gained confidence, her eyebrows glowing.

   Doctor Fang nodded: "Then prepare at least one million."

   "Okay, I'll be ready!" Su Mi has this amount of money. When she was an online singer, she earned enough for this expense and enough to guarantee her and her mother's living expenses.

   It’s just that you will definitely save some money in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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