Chapter 2332 Removal

   in the program group.

   The four bodyguards stood in front of Su Mi and said, "Miss Su, it's done."

   "Okay, thank you. You go out first."

  The bodyguard turned and left.

  Su Mi has seen the content on Weibo.

   It is not her purpose to let Wei Yuxin be scolded, the purpose is to find out the culprit who broke the rules of the program and also destroyed her own development plan.

   As for what kind of backlash and punishment Wei Yuxin will suffer, that is her own business, not Su Mi.

What's more, if it wasn't for Wei Yuxin's exposure of Su Mi's appearance, it would be impossible to attract so many real reporters to come to investigate the issue of the players' appearance. If not for so many reporters, it would be impossible for the bodyguards arranged by Su Mi to block Wei Yuxin and let Wei Yuxin come. bad behavior exposed.

   All of this started with Wei Yuxin and ended with Wei Yuxin, it's fair.

  Su Mi just used her knowledge to treat others.

   In the office of the program team.

  Woody and the rest of the show looked serious.

  Wei Yuxin was sitting in the corner crying, and Brother Shui also came over and accompanied Wei Yuxin to say good things.

He was a little annoyed. The signing of Wei Yuxin did not bring him much benefit, but there was a lot of trouble. The last time he took off Su Mi's mask, he had already come to pay for one round. .

   "Mr. Wu, I'm really sorry for causing you such a big trouble, but is there any misunderstanding?" Brother Shui said carefully.

  Woody put the phone in his hand on the table: "Do you know this phone?"

  Brother Shui understood at a glance, this is Wei Yuxin's mobile phone with broken diamonds on it, which is Wei Yuxin's always liked gorgeous style.

   "The mobile phone belongs to Wei Yuxin. If you don't believe it, just hit it and you'll know." Woody was solemn.

   Where can Brother Shui still fight? Does Woody have to refute what Woody has determined?

"Wei Yuxin posted Su Mi's personal photo on the trumpet, exposing the true face of the contestant. This is expressly forbidden in a program like ours, and it is written into the contract." Woody said, "After our unanimous agreement Discussion, Wei Yuxin is no longer suitable for this show, as for your follow-up compensation measures for the show team, the Legal Department will notify you."

   Wei Yuxin stood up suddenly in shock, she was removed from her name?

   Her face was pale, and she said with a weeping voice: "Mr. Wu, will you give me another chance? I was just confused for a while, and I did such a thing. I really didn't mean it..."

  Woody did not speak, his face was not good-looking.

   Wasn’t it intentional? The ugly photos of Su Mi were posted on Weibo for several days in a row, and it didn't stop a moment before she took the stage, making it hard to believe her statement.

   He was relatively indifferent to Wei Yuxin early in the morning. In this show, everyone who came in, including Su Mi, was brought by the agent with the tape of the audition. After the whole show team listened to the audition, it was determined.

   Only Wei Yuxin stayed because of the favor owed by the program team in the first episode.

   The favor was owed by the person in charge of the program team at the beginning. It has nothing to do with Woody. Woody has given Wei Yuxin enough opportunities, but she herself did not cherish it and made mistakes again and again.

   "Mr. Wu, can we talk about this in private?" Brother Shui pleaded.

  Woody refused: "Everyone is tired, go back to rest early."

   (end of this chapter)

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