Chapter 2333 Rescue

   Immediately, Woody and the show team left in unison.

  Wei Yuxin cried and looked at Brother Shui: "Brother Shui, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

   Brother Shui was also very annoyed. This time, he was going to offend even the show crew. He really couldn't forgive Wei Yuxin.

   "Go back first and have a good rest, don't work for the time being." Brother Shui said.

  Wei Yuxin only knew that the entertainment industry has always been cruel, but did not expect such cruelty, it was just a mistake, can they not tolerate themselves?

   In fact, she doesn't know that she is not good enough, and her ability is not very outstanding. Naturally, no one is willing to give her more opportunities.

   The number of mistakes each person can make is inseparable from his own ability.

   Brother Shui is going to leave in disappointment.

   Wei Yuxin hurriedly stopped him: "Brother Shui, I wrote a song myself, a very good one, please take a look, you will not be disappointed."

  Shui Ge stopped, and Wei Yuxin hurriedly handed over a piece of paper.

   Brother Shui took it suspiciously and glanced at it. He is not a professional music producer, and he is not proficient in music.

   But after all, he is also an agent with a singer, so he can generally understand it. When he saw it, he couldn't help but be surprised: "You wrote it?"

   "I wrote it before, I was going to use it when I debuted. See if you can use it?" Wei Yuxin said in a low voice.

   Brother Shui couldn't help but feel joy: "It's absolutely possible! Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   It can be said that this song is very talented. If it can be released, in his eyes, it will definitely become popular!

   For Wei Yuxin, Brother Shui raised his hopes again and walked out while chatting with her.

  Although she is now delisted from "Masked Singing Singing", if she can make her debut with this song and hit the best single for newcomers of the year, it is still very hopeful!

   At that time, it may not be worse than Su Mi.


After   Woody came out, he saw Su Mi.

"Su Mi, on behalf of the program team, I apologize to you. Because of our work mistakes, you were used by Wei Yuxin, which caused a great blow to you. Wei Yuxin has been removed by us for violating the contract." Woody said.

  Su Mi was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the program team would be so resolute, and directly removed Wei Yuxin from her name.

   "Okay, you've worked hard too, go back and have a good rest and prepare for the next round." Woody encouraged.

  Su Mi felt a lot more relaxed, but without Wei Yuxin, the black sheep, she would be much more relaxed.

   Walking out of the program group, even the air is fresh.

  Cheng Yanmo, Hai Xing and Zhuo Yan also saw the news on Weibo and sent a message to Su Mi, congratulations to her.

  Su Mi came out and received a call from Chu Zhuohang.

   "Waiting for you across the street."

  Su Mi looked towards the opposite side, and sure enough she saw Chu Zhuohang's car.

  It turned out that there were reporters nearby tonight, so he didn't stop very close.

   But now the reporters are almost scattered, mainly because everyone's attention is attracted by the trumpet of the beautiful little flowers.

  Su Mi went over quickly, and when she saw Chu Zhuohang, she couldn't help smiling, and as soon as she got in the car, she said excitedly, "Do you know about Wei Yuxin?"

   "Got it, the bodyguards told me." Chu Zhuohang nodded lightly.

  The bodyguard was arranged by him. They dared not hide from him what Su Mi did.

   (end of this chapter)

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