The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2415: Su Mi is also very dark

   Chapter 2415 Su Mi is also very black-bellied

   And now, Su Mi is the one who sang into everyone's heart. As her singing gradually reached its peak, those who disapproved before the scene fell silent.

   The joking reporters also stopped.

   Because at this moment, continuing to speak in Su Mi's singing will feel that this is a blasphemy to the music.

   Hearing this scene, those who thought that she depended on the sound repair, the financial master, or other people, all felt how much their faces hurt.

  Su Mi doesn't rely on anything, she relies on strength.

   relies on the same or even better effect sung on the spot to crush others.

  Her voice is like the sound of heaven, and it is endless on the scene.

  You can deny a person's ability and her singing is good, but you can't deny your heart.

   After Su Mi finished singing, there was a sparse applause, followed by other applause, and the reporters also applauded.

   Soon, the applause was endless.

   The person in charge was very fond of Su Mi's generosity. Seeing that she performed so well again, he thought to himself that a powerful singer like Su Mi has a limitless future.

   It depends on the future, how tolerant the market can be to her.

  Su Mi's opening was too shocking, which made the singers who came from behind were a bit tragic.

   Finally, it was Mai Hui's turn.

   Mai Hui has been out for a long time, but she has never felt so nervous and embarrassed.

   The person in charge specifically asked: "Mai Hui, do you sing the full or half of the original sound?"

   was just a routine question to communicate the process, but Mai Hui always felt that there was a hint of sarcasm in the other party's mouth.

   She immediately said: "Of course I really sing it!"

   When he said it, he was very tough, but when he finished speaking, he felt a little guilty.

  There are many and complex situations faced by the real singing meeting. It takes strong experience and on-the-spot confidence to perform well.

   is just good, there are so many requirements, to perform well, it is even more difficult for ordinary people to control.

   But the words have been released, and Mai Hui can only bear the consequences.

   She picked up the microphone, but fortunately her songs are relatively sweet, sweetness means that the difficulty is not very high, and the melody is more catchy.

   But she hasn't really sang for a long time. Every time she sings, she is recorded repeatedly in the studio and then comes out after being revamped and adjusted later.

   She has misunderstood, that is her true strength.

   When I really sang it, I realized that it was too difficult. I couldn't tolerate the slightest mistake, I couldn't tolerate the slightest misalignment, and it was impossible to repeat it again and again.

   Mai Hui's live performance, one can imagine how tragic it was.

  Xiao Ke watched a good show offstage: "Su Mi, how did you know she would sing like this? You are too good."

   "When I sang first, I set high standards and strict requirements for her. It is so difficult for her to surpass me."

  Xiao Ke can see that Su Mi is also very black-bellied. If someone bullies her, she will definitely slap her in the face professionally.

   It turns out that Sister Cao let Su Mi close the page to protect other singers.

   Let's see who else dares to fight Su Mi in the future!

   Mai Hui's car accident-like scene made the faces of the people at the scene indescribable.

   But she also has a good show in the beautiful soft and cute. With tears in her eyes, she pursed her mouth slightly, and said sadly: "I'm sorry everyone, I have caught a cold these days, and my performance is a little out of order. I'm really sorry."

   (end of this chapter)

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