The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2416: He is her nourishment

   Chapter 2416 He is her nutrient

  Beauty who shed tears has always been pityed by men, especially her tears were wrapped in the eyes, but they did not fall, and she looked even more pitiful.

  The reporters are all soft-hearted, thinking that she usually sings very well, naturally they will not be too harsh, and will not even mention this matter in tomorrow's report.

   However, Su Mi's singing is really popular and out of the circle, and the sound recorded on the spot can't show the shock of one ten thousandth of the real scene at all.

   However, those who have heard the scene already have a steelyard in their hearts.

   That night, when Su Mi left, the person in charge sent her out in person.

Then, he called Sister Cao, apologized for stealing Su Mi's finale today, and said, "Sister Cao, I think I have witnessed the rise of a new star. We will cooperate more with such activities in the future. "

   "Of course." Sister Cao replied with a smile.

   The Su Mi she fancy is so amazing.

   In the evening, Chu Zhuohang came to pick up Su Mi for supper.

   As soon as his car stopped, Su Mi rushed over: "Chenbao!"

   Didn't see Xiao Chen in the car, Su Mi was a little disappointed: "Where's my Chen Bao?"

  Chu Zhuohang laughed: "Can't you see me?"

   "I still want to see Chen Bao." Su Mi is used to it. After she is tired from work every day, hugging Xiao Chen, it seems that he is her nourishment and can make her recover quickly.

   Besides, Chu Zhuohang usually came to pick her up, and most of the time he brought Chenbao with him.

   "Chenbao went to your mother's place."

   "Where is my mother? Are you sure?" Su Mi was surprised.

   "Sure, he likes to go there, not to mention the nanny over there is also an old man who has served in the Chu family before. Trust me, Aunt Wang will follow along."

   Actually, Chu Zhuohang is very satisfied with the current situation. Mother Su is happy, and Xiao Chen is also happy. It seems that everything is so perfect.

   It seems that Xiao Chen is also very accepting of the current situation.

  Su Mi shook her head, he really felt relieved to hand over her son.

   "You did well at night."

Su Mi smiled and said: "You don't know, I originally sang the finale, but someone had to fight with me, so I sang the opening, and sang it to a high level. The people behind, The scene of a car accident."

  Chu Zhuohang didn't look at others, but he could imagine what it would be like. Su Mi gave them a 100% sample. It would be difficult for them to learn.

  Su Mi, awesome.

  Chu Zhuohang found a very quiet shop and sat down, ordered something, and chatted casually with Su Mi.

   "Xiao Chen likes your mother very much, Su Mi, I think Xiao Chen and I are ready."

   is missing Su Mi.

   He has been waiting for an attitude from Su Mi.

  Su Mi has just completed the album and it was a great success, Chu Zhuohang felt that it was time.

  Su Mi lowered her head, looked at the water glass, made up her mind, and said, "I have something to tell you, if you can accept my words after listening..."

   Her expression became solemn, and Chu Zhuohang also became serious, and said in a low voice, "You say it."

"When I was with Wu Juntang before, I was pregnant with his child. At that time, I wanted to take it off, but he had a car accident and might never wake up again. His mother cried and begged me not to take off the child. Agreed. But after the baby is born, it's gone."

   These words, Su Mi wanted to say a long time ago, this is the secret in her heart, every time she touches it, she suffocates with pain.

   (end of this chapter)

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