Chapter 2432 She owes him

   Hearing Wu Juntang mentioning the child, Su Mi's eyes turned red and red, holding back tears.

"But if my company fails and goes bankrupt, I won't have any ability in the future, so I can give you a little protection. So don't blame me, I want to ask you to help me ask for mercy from Master Chu, and let him help me The company came back to life."

   "There are so many high-sounding reasons, not for money. If I don't promise you, won't you tell me where my child is buried?"

   "Su Mi, yes." Wu Juntang had already been looked down upon by Su Mi anyway, and he didn't bother to cover up any more, so he nodded and agreed.

  Su Mi stood up, and Wu Juntang said again: "You think about it carefully."

  Su Mi walked out step by step, it was already evening, the sun in the sky dissipated, and the comfortable temperature made people feel good.

   But she was not happy at all.

   walked forward step by step, until a car behind slowly followed up and called her name: "Su Mi!"

   She turned around and saw that it was Chu Zhuohang.

   "Get in the car." Chu Zhuohang stuffed her into the car.

   In fact, he just saw her meeting with Wu Juntang and walking out in despair.

   After he drove the car to a place, he stopped and asked, "What did Wu Juntang threaten you with? Is it the child's business?"

   He saw the question very clearly, and he guessed it right away.

  Su Mi didn't know how to ask him.

   In order to know where her child was buried, what he needed was his commercial efforts and concessions to bring Wu Juntang's company back to life, which made her unwilling, but she was helpless for a while.

   "Tell me, eh?" Chu Zhuohang took her hands and said softly.

   Feeling so distressed for her, he knew that he was willing to do anything.

   "I didn't know where the child was buried. Wu Juntang said he could tell me, but he needed you to help his company..." Su Mi said, only feeling ashamed of Chu Zhuohang.

"I thought it was a big deal. Isn't it his company?" Chu Zhuohang said calmly, "I'll just ask someone to give him a business. It's just that I have one more company, and I can still get money from him. make money."

   He said it simply and easily, but Su Mi knew that she owed him more than a little for something so simple.

   "I'm sorry." She didn't know what to say, the only thing she could say was these three words.

  Chu Zhuohang took her into his arms distressedly.

  Chu Zhuohang arranged a business for Wu Juntang, and his company quickly came back to life.

   "It's really uncomfortable to let such a bad guy make money with us." Xiao Zhan said angrily.

   "He can make money for a while, but he may not make money for a lifetime. He supervises what he is doing. Since it is my business, in the future his company will no longer have room for him to speak."

   is equivalent to that although Wu Juntang's company was kept, the rights were taken away by the Chu family.

   It's just that Wu Juntang is still immersed in joy now, and he doesn't understand how terrible the consequences of Chu Zhuohang's encroachment on his company will be.

   He told Su Mi where the child was buried.

  Su Mi endured the heartache and went over.

  Chu Zhuohang insisted on accompanying her in the past.

   After arriving at the place, I found that the place was nothing but an abandoned wasteland in a messy suburb without any development.

   (end of this chapter)

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