Chapter 2433 Remember to miss me

  The inside is overgrown with weeds, except for the **** that is just stones, let alone burying the remains, even a glance makes me panic.

  Su Mi's tears came down at that time, that is to say, the child who died at the beginning was placed here by Wu Juntang's beastly family.

  Chu Zhuohang hugged her and let her bite the tip of her tongue and cry silently.

   There was no other way, Chu Zhuohang could only find someone to pick up a handful of loess here, bring it back to the cemetery, and erect a tombstone for the unfortunate child.

  Su Mi's spirit was hit hard.

   Fortunately, Xiao Chen was here, so that she could face the bleak situation in front of her.

The existence of    Xiaochen is almost a good medicine for her to relieve pain.

  Chu Zhuohang no longer mentioned these things, but kept silently guarding and accompanying her.

  Su Mi knew that the best reward for him was to come out early.

   After knowing this, Sister Cao helped her pick up a promotional video for a tourist attraction, and went to shoot a relatively relaxed promotional video in a mountainous area with better scenery.

   This can also let Su Mi relax.

   "I'll take care of Chenbao's side. You can rest assured." Chu Zhuohang helped her pack her luggage.

   "Well, just a few days, I'll be back soon."

  Chu Zhuohang hugged her: "Remember to miss me."

  Su Mi nodded gently.

   "Call me if you have something to do, don't worry about it alone, you know?"

  Chu Zhuohang warned several times, as if she was going to go for several months.

   Sending her luggage to Sister Cao to pick up her car, Chu Zhuohang was still not at ease, he held her hand and said a few more words softly.

   Sister Cao also knew for the first time that Su Mi and Chu Zhuohang lived together. In fact, she was not only his child's nanny, but also confirmed the relationship with him.

   "Sister Cao, Su Mi will be handed over to you." Chu Zhuohang said seriously.

The reason why he asked Sister Cao to come to the Chu family manor to pick up Su Mi today is that he also wanted to let Sister Cao know that his relationship with Su Mi was confirmed, and he would not hide it from her. anything goes wrong.

  Sister Cao was really surprised.

   drove away, she asked with a smile, "When did you and this young master establish your relationship?"

   "Actually recently." Su Mi was a little embarrassed, "I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't know how to say it..."

   "It's human nature to fall in love, not to mention a young girl like you. But no matter what, you must protect yourself." Sister Cao was not optimistic about her and Chu Zhuohang, but she didn't say much.

   Having been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she has already seen through the feelings in this circle, how many people's feelings, at the beginning, they were deeply affectionate and righteous, but in the end, due to various pressures, she had to part ways, and even became enemies.

  No one's feelings can be placed under countless pairs of eyes, under countless spotlights, and being picked on by people with a magnifying glass.

   She can only bless Su Mi and not be hurt in this relationship.

  The car arrived at the destination, which is a mountainous area on the outskirts of Jingyuan, but it is quite prosperous. Because of the development in the past two years, there are many tourists.

After Sister Cao delivered Su Mi, because there was another artist's activity nearby, she handed her over to Xiao Ke and said, "I will come to see you tomorrow, and then accompany you to complete the remaining days of filming. Promise. As for the matter of your young master, I will definitely do it."

  Su Mi smiled and watched her leave.

   (end of this chapter)

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