The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2492: Will flipping hit you in the face?

   Chapter 2492 Will flipping hit the face?

   And now, it is the time when public opinion suppresses Su Mi most intensely.

Inside the   Wufeng Music Awards, there have been several rumors that people have been arguing over the table to prevent Su Mi from being nominated.

  Teacher Zhou has thoroughly defended Su Mi this time. No matter what happens to Su Mi, she will never waver.

But the judges of the Music Awards are all old men after all. Put yourself in the situation of Uncle Su's family. If you get sick, your own niece and niece will not pay attention to it at all. Can't stop chilling!

   "Our Dragon Empire has always been a country of filial piety, loyalty and righteousness. Now, it has been completely destroyed by a singer! May I ask, what direction does this give to teenagers?"

"That's right, I agree! How can I be a role model without even caring about my character? What is an idol? By making her shortlisted, we nailed ourselves, and the awards, to the pillar of shame in the entertainment industry!

   Anyway, we have received a lot of responses from parents here. If they want to choose an idol like Su Mi, they will keep complaining about the awards until the awards are not held. "

   Teacher Zhou shook his head secretly: "Can you be sure that the rumors from the outside world are true?"

   Everyone stopped talking.

   Indeed, things in the entertainment industry are true and false. It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong until the last minute.

  Su Mi, will there be a flip? Will flipping hit you in the face?

  No one dares to pat on the chest to guarantee.

  Because, they have been beaten in the face too many times.

   Teacher Zhou said: "Then I hope that everyone will be fair and just, first look at singing skills and strength, and leave the rest to time to prove.

   Don’t be like me, being held by a student with a fake notice and hiding it for three years, until finally, Su Mi found out the detailed information and told me the truth.

   Don't be fooled by me, treat sand and stone as pearls, and almost miss the real pearls. "

   He alluded to the protection of Guo Xia and the harsh criticism of Su Mi.

   When everyone heard it, I didn't expect Teacher Zhou to expose his shortcomings and tell his secrets.

   Being deceived by students, and being deceived by various torment incidents on the Internet, are they both of the same nature?

   Is there anyone who can see through the purpose and truth behind everything at first glance?


   Sister Cao announced that Su Mi was going to the hospital to visit her uncle.

   This news only drew ridicule.

   "I didn't visit before, now I'm doing a show?"

   "Even going to the hospital to visit a patient has to be announced publicly. I have never seen such a person who would find a topic for himself and be hot, I despise it!"

   "Isn't this to let people disturb the patient? What is Su Mi's heart?"

   "What are you bothering about? This uncle's hospital and department, and even which ward it is in, has been made clear by the uncle's aunt. Su Mi appeared, so what happened? Why do you blame Su Mi for everything?"

   "It's really hard to be a human being. You will be told whether you go to visit or not. If you go to visit, others will know if they know, and they will also tell you."

   But reporters and fans swarmed to follow, for fear of missing the latest news.

  Su Mi appeared with great fanfare this time, and many people wanted to get first-hand news.

   (end of this chapter)

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