The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2493: From sincerity, or as a show

   Chapter 2493 From sincerity, or as a show

   Mother Su was very worried, the aunt's fighting power was already terrifyingly powerful, and with so many fans and reporters on the scene, how could Su Mi handle it alone?

  Doctor Fang said, "Let's go over and have a look. We can't let Mimi be wronged."

   "I'm just afraid that Mimi's life experience will bring her unpredictable harm..." Mother Su sighed softly.

   She had never told Su Mi about this, because she was afraid, and it put too much psychological pressure on her.

  Doctor Fang hugged her and said, "This matter may not be mentioned. No matter what, I, like you, will earnestly safeguard my daughter's safety."

   He drove and took Mother Su to the vicinity of the hospital.

  If Su Mi needed it, he would stand up without hesitation and protect her.

  Su Mi, accompanied by Sister Cao and Xiao Ke, came to the hospital.

  The reporter immediately rushed forward, and without waiting for Su Mi to stand still, he immediately asked: "Su Mi, did you come to see Uncle, is it out of sincerity, or is it a show?"

   "Su Mi, are you here to match?"

   "Su Mi, can you tell us, why didn't you come to see Uncle and match him?"

   "Su Mi, do you have anything to defend yourself?"

   Sharp questions, spit out one after another.

   And Su Mi didn't say a word the whole time.

   Sister Cao blocked the reporter: "Please don't delay the normal life of other patients and doctors. The hospital has prepared a special conference room. Everyone can come together. We will give a brief explanation of this matter."

  The reporter immediately followed and went to the conference room together.

  No matter what, getting the first-hand information today is the most important thing.

   arrived at the conference room, which was filled by reporters.

  The fans are also around outside.

  Chu Zhuohang arranged people to protect everyone's safety and not let people have the opportunity to make trouble.

   At this moment, things have officially started.

Sister Cao stood on the stage and said: "Everyone, regarding the external affairs, we Su Mi want to make a broad clarification here. That is, she did not come to the hospital for matching. She came, but the matching did not happen. success!"

  Sister Cao took out the pairing instructions and the notification at that time.

  Because the aunt had been looking for Mother Su, Mother Su took some of the blood that Su Mi had previously drawn for Doctor Gu and gave it to the hospital.

  These blood will not affect the matching result and are approved by the hospital.

  Sister Cao said: "The information is all here, we would like to know, why do outsiders think that Su Mi has never come to match? It's not Su Mi's responsibility if the match is unsuccessful, isn't it?"

  The reporters took pictures of the results of the pairing, which showed that it was Su Mi who came to have the matching operation early in the morning.

   Therefore, the rumors outside are really self-defeating.

   "It turns out that Su Mi is not ruthless..."

   "The rumors are indeed rumors..."

   "What happened to the aunt of this family, she kept accusing Su Mi, but the family has done her best."

   "That's right, Su Mi is so busy, it doesn't matter if she doesn't succeed, and she has to slander others."

   Sister Cao shook her head helplessly. To be honest, one of the nature of human beings is that it is easy to believe the words of people with rhythm.

   It’s like in a post, people are always the easiest to be carried away by the ideas of the first few people, and what others say is what they say.

   (end of this chapter)

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