The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2501: you are shortlisted

   Chapter 2501 You are shortlisted

   Doctor Fang said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Jing Shu."

   After coming out of her mother's house, Su Mi was still immersed in the emotions just now.

   I really didn't expect that after so many years, my life experience turned out to be like this.

   She didn't ask about her biological father, and she didn't want to explore too much. She didn't want to spend the least bit of thought on the person who had already chosen to abandon herself and her biological mother.

  Chu Zhuohang held her hand, no one said anything at the moment, but he felt the same way about her feelings.

   The next day, Chu Zhuohang's assistant sent over the list of Wufeng Music Awards.

   "Congratulations, Su Mi, you are shortlisted." Chu Zhuohang smiled.

   Su Mi, who had rested for a night, was in a good mood now.

   Seeing the names of herself and Chu Ning on the list, she couldn't help smiling brightly: "Both Chu Ning and I were shortlisted."

   "Although Ning Ning is a fan, her albums are of high quality and carefully crafted. Shen Jingyu really cares about her."

   "Is Shen Jingyu Ning Ning's husband?" Su Mi asked, because these questions are relatively secretive and Chu Ning never publicizes them, so few people know about them.

   "Hmm. A good man."

   Hearing Chu Zhuohang say this, Su Mi was very curious, how good is the man who can make Chu Zhuohang say this?

   After all, she felt that Chu Zhuohang was good enough.

   "How are you?" Su Mi asked with a smile.

  Chu Zhuohang hooked his fingers and said, "Come here, I'll tell you."

  Su Mi approached him, and he stole a kiss on Su Mi's face before saying, "It's about as good as me."

   "Don't be ashamed. How can you brag about yourself like this?" Su Mi scratched his nose.

   In front of Su Mi, Chu Zhuohang looked like a teenager, how could he still look like a mature man?

   He hugged Su Mi, "Have you seen the news about Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer?"

   "I saw it, and I was scolded badly. Especially Nie Yuling, the more popular it is, the more responsible it is."

   "She deserves it." Chu Zhuohang said mercilessly.

   Do you want to use this to suppress Su Mi? Have you asked for his consent?

  Chu Zhuohang's eyes narrowed slightly. Whenever this happens, people will feel his danger.

   "I don't know how the two of them will choose?" Su Mi was curious.

   When she finished asking, Sister Cao called: "Mimi, congratulations on being shortlisted!"

   "Thank you, Sister Cao. Sister Cao, what's going on with those two?"

"It's so funny, neither of them want to go, but they are afraid of being scolded, and they are so worried that their hair will be bald. Brother Shui is so worried that he can't sleep." Sister Cao is really happy. She competes with Brother Shui so much. For many years, there are usually winners and losers, but it's the first time to see Brother Shui's sorrow like this.

She was in such a good mood that she had invited the whole company to drink milk tea today: "Although it's a bit unkind to laugh at them like this, after all, it's about the patient, but I really can't control it. You have to thank Master Chu for me, I I haven't been this happy in a long time."

   "Sister Cao, you have news to tell me that Young Master Chu may have something even more pleasing to you."

  Sister Cao is looking forward to it, waiting for Su Mi's news.

  Su Mi hung up the phone and said, "Young Master Chu, Sister Cao avenged her revenge, thank you."

   "I don't want her thanks, I want yours."

   "Isn't it enough?" Su Mi pinched his nose blushing.

  Chu Zhuohang kissed her.

  In the afternoon, Sister Cao called again.

   (end of this chapter)

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