Chapter 2502 Nothing to do

"Brother Shui and Nie Yuling's agent had a big fight, neither wanted to donate, nor wanted to be scolded. They fought for a night and a morning. The two sides finally compromised, so they decided to go to the hospital together. On your side, Master Chu. What's the arrangement?"

   "It will be arranged soon. They go to the hospital together, do you mean to rush to donate?"

"Nie Yuling thought that Chu Ning will be nominated for the Best Female Singer Award this time, and her chances of winning are not high. It is better to take advantage of this incident to avoid the limelight, and by the way, make some good impressions and fight again next year; what about Jin Qiaoer? , I was afraid of meeting you, so I wanted to avoid it, and even thought that maybe I could rely on this to win back the judges' hearts... but they were all reluctant." Sister Cao couldn't hide her joyousness.

   She said, "I don't even know if Nie Yuling regrets burying herself now."

After   Su Mi hung up the phone, she said to Chu Zhuohang, "As you said, there are backers, have they been arranged?"

   "It's already arranged. Let's watch a good show together." Chu Zhuohang smiled and held her hand.

  Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer, do you want to just end this matter? That's too simple to think!

   At the same time, Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer each drove to the hospital in their own car.

   Secretly, they each sent out a signal, asking reporters to come and interview, and they were going to do good deeds.

   Both of them even wore full makeup and looked very photogenic.

  Even so, Brother Shui was still very annoyed and said, "Nie Yuling really has nothing to do with it. Back then, she didn't provoke the patient's family, and nothing happened! Now that something happens, we want us to accompany her!"

  Jin Qiaoer also thinks so, fortunately, her reputation is relatively low, and the collapse of the character design is not so serious this time.

   But thinking about delaying so much work to match, and recuperating, the whole person is not very good.

   I can only see how much philanthropy contributes to my awards.

   They haven't arrived yet, and there are already many reporters waiting outside.

  The general draft has actually been written, how the female artist is kind, donating spinal cord to help others, showing the mind of truth, goodness and beauty, and so on.

   Just waiting for their photos to be taken before they can be published.

  When the time comes, how much reputation can be saved?

   Take the opportunity to brush a few waves of popularity and goodwill, the people who eat melon are forgetful, and soon, they only remember what is in front of them, and the past really becomes the past.

   As soon as they arrived, a reporter took a few pictures.

The    draft was sent out before they did anything.

   Then, the two men hurried to the hospital.

   Brother Shui came forward to negotiate: "Nie Yuling and Jin Qiao'er are here today to donate spinal cords to patients. We want to see Su Jie and Su Hao."

  I also hope that Su Jie and Su Hao will accept a few interviews, praise Nie Yuling and Jin Qiaoer, and have their relatives write another thank you letter, etc.

   These are the various plans that he and Nie Yuling's agent, as well as the public relations of Huanxi Entertainment, came up with overnight.

  The doctor saw them and said coldly, "They don't have time to see you."

   "Doctor, we are here to donate spinal cord. Please don't have this attitude, otherwise, they will regret it!" Brother Shui really hated the doctor's attitude, and was disgustingly arrogant.

   If he hadn't come with a purpose, he would have left.

   (end of this chapter)

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