Chapter 2526 Well deserved

  Su Mi has been questioned both in terms of appearance and singing style along the way, but in the midst of these doubts, she walks more steadily step by step.

Teacher Zhou said: "However, this also proves that music is inclusive and diverse. It is not exclusive to anyone, it is the precious spiritual wealth of human beings. As long as it can convey the emotions in music, joys and sorrows, Just good music."

   "Su Mi is such a singer, Su Mi, congratulations!" Zhao Zengzhen finally revealed the winner of the award excitedly!

Although she and Teacher Zhou were singing together, many people guessed that the winner would be Su Mi. Because of Su Mi, she has accomplished a lot of impossible things, and she has also brought you very fresh music, which has injected into the music world. A new strength like a strong heart shot.

   But when they heard that the award was Su Mi, many people stood and applauded collectively, congratulations to her for winning this award.

   Because no matter how she looks or how she sings, the professional level of her singing is unquestionable.

   When she heard this sentence, Su Mi's face glowed with brilliance, she finally won this award!

  Chu Zhuohang also cast a glance at her, and he knew that Su Mi could do it.

   This is a testament to her strength.

   Xiaoke took Sister Cao's hand and shook it all the time: "Sister Cao, Su Mi did it, she did it! It's great! I admire her so much!"

   Sister Cao also smiled. Su Mi is her biggest bet. She has never created a female singer who is so defiant, completely inconsistent with the rules of the circle, but has such strength.

  Su Mi did it, which also proves that she did it! Her choice was not wrong!

  Su Mi walked towards the stage, and in the eyes of everyone, she took the trophy.

   Zhao Zengzhen smiled and said, "Congratulations, Su Mi."

   Zhou Hai also held her hand and kept talking to her in a low voice.

   "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, and thank you, Mr. Zhou." Su Mi took the trophy and looked at the audience. She was very excited and very grateful.

   Her gaze swept from Sister Cao's face, to Xiao Ke, and then to Chu Zhuohang.

   There are too many emotions in my heart.

   "The topic of music that I want to talk about, both Mr. Zhao and Mr. Zhou have said it very well. I agree with what they said, music is a precious spiritual wealth of mankind, and each of us must cherish and cherish it.

   I got to this point not only because of the support of so many people, but also because of the strength that music itself gave me.

  I believe that those who like me and those who don't like me have also seen the power of music, and only by living as oneself can you not be afraid of any storms. Thank you to everyone, and to those who love me and love the most. "

   The last sentence was for Chu Zhuohang. Su Mi had a smile on her brows, and she was always looking in the direction of Chu Zhuohang.

   She didn't say his name, but she knew who he was, and he knew who she was talking about.

   This friendship has become clear to each other.

  Su Mi's confidence and ease has won heartfelt applause from many people.

  Who doesn't want to live like Su Mi? Even if he is called ugly and fat by everyone, he is still free and easy, and even if he is disliked by everyone, he still has a **** path in the entertainment circle.

   On Weibo, Su Mi's fans are also having a carnival: "My honey is the best, and she deserves it!"

   "This is not only a victory for Su Mi, but also a victory for music."

   (end of this chapter)

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