Chapter 2527 Saying See You Later

   "Su Mi is really working very hard. To get to this point, she has paid more hardships and efforts than others. She is really not easy. When I saw her winning the trophy, I cried."

"Mimi, for the past six months, your music has always been with me. Every time I want to give up, I will think of you and say that no matter what life is like, I have to live a better life. Thank you, you are worth it. So good."

  Awards followed.

  Su Mi went to the stage and watched quietly.

   When she saw that Chu Ning won the award for Best Female Singer of the Year, Su Mi was also very happy for her.

   Chu Ning's award is well deserved. Although she is playing tickets, she sings earnestly. The lyrics and music are all first-class and excellent, and many of the words are filled in by herself.

   So she won this award, and everyone has no objection.

   Although Nie Yuling knew that there would be such a result, her face was still not very good-looking. It took years of self-cultivation to keep herself calm as usual.

   However, she also knew that if she didn't win this award and her reputation had collapsed, it would be even more difficult to reach the peak in the future.

   In addition to being entangled in housework, it is her inevitable ending.

  After the award ceremony, Brother Shui took Jin Qiaoer to Su Mi.

   "Congratulations, Su Mi, and congratulations too, Sister Cao." Brother Shui smiled.

   But everyone could see the evil in his smile.

   The road to defeating Sister Cao is not only getting further and further away, but also getting harder and harder.

   Obviously, he is younger than Sister Cao and has a sharper way of doing things. It is time to replace Sister Cao.

   "Thank you." Sister Cao said instead of Su Mi, "Everyone is in the same company, and the award is the honor of the company."

   Sister Cao said something in her words, obviously, it is to warn Brother Shui not to play any tricks, otherwise, the company will not lose a popular singer who just won an award for an agent.

   "Of course, I am deeply honored." Brother Shui finished and left with Jin Qiaoer.

  Chuning came to Su Mi and said with a smile, "Su Mi, you truly deserve your name."

   "Chuning, you too."

  The two sides remained polite, but they could see their appreciation for each other in each other's eyes.

   "Then I'll go first." After Chu Ning finished speaking, she winked at her and said to see you later.

Su Mi saw an unusually handsome man with amazing phoenix eyes, she walked over without looking sideways, went to Chu Ning's side, put on a coat for her, nodded to everyone, and then left with her arms and arms around Chu Ning. The color of protection is self-evident.

  Su Mi knew that that man must be the husband of Chu Ning that Chu Zhuohang talked about, and he really is a very good man.

  Xiao Ke didn't know the relationship between Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang, and said enviously, "Su Mi, Chu Ning spoke to you personally!"

   "Yes." Su Mi smiled.

"Did you know that Chu Ning and her husband are also very affectionate, although I don't know who that man is, but it is said that he is very powerful and protects Chu Ning so well that he doesn't give anyone a chance to hurt her. Oh, I'm really envious. You and Chu Ning are really the two girls I envy the most."

  Su Mi looked at Xiao Ke with a funny look at the nympho.

   Sister Cao protected Su Mi, left the passage in the backstage, and handed her over to Chu Zhuohang: "For other matters, I'll take care of the aftermath. You go back first."

   (end of this chapter)

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