The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2571: I already got good resources

   Chapter 2571 I already got good resources

   "No." Chu Zhuohang smiled and rubbed Su Mi's hair, "It makes me more motivated to work."

   He lowered his head and kissed Su Mi's lips.

   Then, picked her up and closed the office door.


  Lin Xialu has been a little annoyed recently, although at the scene of the car accident on the show that day, Brother Shui used her sick voice to give her public relations.

   But on Luo Zhongqian's side, he was determined to remove CP.

   Her business ability is not good. Once the CP is removed, there is basically nothing to rely on.

   On Qiao Hui's side, it is impossible for her to continue to give her resources without her enthusiasm.

   However, she finally found Luo Zhongqian's handle.

  The paparazzi sent her a bunch of materials: "Luo Zhongqian opened a room with other women, no wonder he doesn't want to fire CP anymore."

  If these materials are sent out by the paparazzi, then this cp is really finished.

   "Brother Shui, you really have to help me." Lin Xialu said.

Although Brother Shui dislikes Lin Xialu very much, he is loyal to his work and said: "If such a thing is exposed, it will be harmful to Luo Zhongqian and beneficial to you, but this benefit is only short-lived. After all, the outside world thinks that , a man, it is normal to have a woman. And, as far as I know, the woman who opened a room with him is his girlfriend. It will not benefit us in the slightest by making a fuss too soon."

   "Then just watch him take advantage of me and kick me out?"

   "He's not taking advantage of it, right. Frying CP, the benefits are for both parties. It's just that now, he has better resources."

   Lin Xialu was unhappy: "Isn't that just using me? Otherwise, how can he get better resources?"

   Obviously they are the same pair of CPs. Now Luo Zhongqian is developing better. Lin Xialu didn't keep up, and she didn't think about her own reasons. If she had more strength, wouldn't she have obtained good resources like Luo Zhongqian?

   Brother Shui can only persuade her: "Frying CP is not the purpose, isn't the purpose for everyone to take advantage of this popularity to seek better resources?"

   "No, my situation is too passive now. Brother Shui, talk to Luo Zhongqian, let him either continue to fire, or... just die with Su Mi."

   Lin Xialu had a very bold thought in her heart.

   She immediately thought of Su Mi.

  Su Mi's position in Huanxi Entertainment is becoming more and more consolidated, and she already has the momentum and style of a sister, and she has left herself far away.

  If you continue to let Su Mi continue like this, then only Qiao Hui's abandonment is waiting for her.

   After all, the identity of a daughter is just a kind of packaging given to her by Qiao Hui, and she knows all too well that she is a fake daughter.

  Only with excellent strength can we get Qiao Hui's continued support.

  So, if Luo Zhongqian refuses to continue, then she will tie Luo Zhongqian and Su Mi together, creating the illusion that they have betrayed her...

  When the time comes, they will be bound to death, and they will be the most pitiful beneficiary.

   Brother Shui understood Lin Xialu's implication.

   This move is really ruthless.

   He naturally agrees. He will be held down like this by Sister Cao, isn't it because Su Mi is there?

  If Su Mi had an accident and couldn't turn over, could Sister Cao still hold her down?

   In this matter, he and Lin Xialu have common goals and interests.

   (end of this chapter)

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