Chapter 2572 is it now?

  Qiao Hui asked her assistant to find Su Mi and go to her office.

  Su Mi went to her office without knowing it.

The assistant    took her directly and asked her to take a seat.

   Only then did Su Mi realize that Qiao Hui was not in the office, but a young man waiting inside.

   When she saw him, Su Mi recognized that he was Luo Zhongqian, the one who fryed cp with Lin Xialu, and it was hard not to know.

  He came here, probably to cooperate with Lin Xialu.

   When the two met, they both nodded lightly as a greeting, and then they all withdrew their gazes, Luo Zhongqian looked a little worried.

  Su Mi was inconvenient to stay for a long time, and said to the assistant, "Then I'll come over after Mr. Qiao comes back."

   The assistant didn't leave her alone, and said with a smile, "I'll inform you when Mr. Qiao comes back later."

  Su Mi nodded, but didn't take this matter to heart. Qiao Hui often wanted to see her, and it was nothing new.

   Three days later.

  On the Internet, some gossip broke the news that Luo Zhongqian and a woman opened a house, and the target was not Lin Xialu.

   This matter immediately began to ferment.

After all, in everyone's mind, Luo Zhongqian and Lin Xialu are now a pair of CPs. On the show "Let's Love", they contributed a lot of sweet and famous scenes to everyone. The interaction between the two can also be called a love model. .

   Now Luo Zhongqian is opening a room with another woman, which undoubtedly breaks the dreams and hearts of many fans.

  's accusations against Luo Zhongqian also began to spread on a large scale: "Scumbag! Aren't you in love with Lin Xialu? Why can't you control your own body?"

   "It's not worth it for Lin Xialu. Although she can't sing well, that's not the reason for his betrayal, right?"

   "What misunderstanding do you guys upstairs have about the romance show? They're just a pair of screen CPs, not real. In private, who does Luo Zhongqian associate with, and what does it have to do with it?"

   "Are you blind upstairs, they are clearly dating, okay? There were so many of the same styles that were picked up before, and Luo Zhongqian was on the show. Lin Xialu is his ideal type.

   "Everyone be quiet, this kind of thing is definitely not that simple."

  Many people clearly know that they are CPs, but they also devote their true feelings to chasing such idols, and in them, find the projection of their own lives.

   So this time, the exposure of Luo Zhongqian's open house really caused a very strong reaction.

   Those who scold Luo Zhongqian and those who feel sorry for Lin Xialu all spoke up.

   Luo Zhongqian was scolded as a dog, and Lin Xialu became the object of everyone's sympathy.

   On her body, she projected her own feelings of being betrayed, and her hatred for scumbags was concentrated on Luo Zhongqian alone.

   The whole Weibo is very lively. Lin Xialu was originally a well-known resource cafe, and her singing skills are not good.

   Now, she has transformed herself into a pitiful young girl who paid for love and worked hard for love. The label has also become a very immersive type such as "dare to love, dare to hate", "love hurts make people grow" and so on.

  Lin Xialu stepped on Luo Zhongqian and was successfully promoted to a new batch of traffic florets, which greatly increased the popularity of fans.

   Seeing that this wave of operations was effective, Lin Xialu and Brother Shui started their big move, leading the disaster to Su Mi.

   Immediately, someone broke the news on Weibo: "Luo Zhongqian's cheating target revealed!"

   (end of this chapter)

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