The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2589: Don't have your own purpose in life?

   Chapter 2589 Don't you have your own life goals?


  Because their family needs to develop stronger, because their parents used all means when they were already developing, and the only thing missing was the support of the Chu Group.

  Because of their companies, they had to rely on the Chu Group to form a marriage, especially a marriage of a well-matched family or even a high-ranking marriage, to ensure that they could go higher.

   But don't they have their own ideals? Don't have your own purpose in life?

   has both.

   They even have their own lovers, but they are not completely willing to seek favor from Chu Zhuohang, a man who has never been masked.

   They have also received all kinds of excellent education, cultivated all kinds of talents, and can lead a more wonderful life.

   Even if they take a step back, they are still winners at the starting line in this world, and the family will not collapse immediately, and they can still get the cooperation of the Chu Group.

   It's just that they or their families are too serious and careful, so they live too selfless.

  Su Mi's words just helped them once again, torturing the innermost part of the soul.

Seeing that some of them had bowed their heads, Su Mi continued: "Actually, I have no right or reason to ask you anything, but I just feel that you gave up everything just to please a child, which is really unnecessary. There is only one young master, and only one young master Chu, but the outside world is huge and wonderful. Life other than them is full of countless possibilities.

   You may meet a more favorite man, give birth to your own baby, and know what a child really wants.

  Why bury all the possibilities of time and life in this courtyard?

Have you watched    Gong Dou dramas? Those women lost their freedom and self all their lives in order to compete for a man. And modern society has provided you with everything you can strive for, so you have countless choices from the beginning, but you still choose to suppress yourself, is it worth it? "

  Wang Yuan and others were a little ashamed and angry, because these words were told to them by a maid.

  The reason why they don't understand, but sometimes, although this road is embarrassing, but if you walk out, the benefits will be the highest.

  It’s like buying a lottery ticket. Is there anything that costs only two yuan, but the income is as much as five million?

  Chu Zhuohang is!

  They had too much luck.

  Su Mi took Xiao Chen's hand and said, "Let's go, Chen Bao, we're going back, and grandma is still waiting for us to have lunch."

After   , she and Xiao Chen left together.

  The crowd slowly raised their heads and looked at the backs of them leaving.

   Some were biting their lips, some were holding their palms, some were disapproving, and some were thinking.

  Su Mi knows that, in fact, there is no need to say more, those who wake up will naturally wake up, and those who want to fall asleep will still fall asleep, just like there are always people who buy lottery tickets at the lottery station, everyone's psychology is different.

   After lunch, Su Mi's skirt was washed, she changed her skirt, and then took Xiao Chen to say goodbye to Lan Xi, and took him back to the manor.

   But that day, there were indeed many girls in the courtyard, all packed up their salutes and left.

  Although there are still many people left, the number is much, much less than before.

   (end of this chapter)

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