The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2590: Replenish your body

   Chapter 2590 Replenish your body

After   Lanxi knew about this, he arranged for someone to inquire about the situation.

   Hearing what Su Mi said to these young ladies during the day, she couldn't help laughing: "This girl is really good, and what she said is well-founded. I hope these girls will put their minds back on the right path as soon as possible."

In my heart, I was a little more satisfied with Su Mi. I was worried that she was only a little bit skilled in the entertainment industry. I wondered if she could stay in the position of the young grandma of the Chu family, but now it seems that she is more than Lan Xi thought. Yes, but also ability.


   After Su Mi picked up Xiao Chen, she bought a lot of things and cooked with Xiao Chen.

   He obediently sat on the small bench and washed the vegetables, recognizing them while washing them. Every time he recognized more, he would happily smile and wait for Su Mi's response.

   Every time he got more responses from Su Mi, he became more motivated.

   When Chu Zhuohang came home, the mother and son were busy in the kitchen.

   The night fell, and the room was filled with warm and bright lights. Chu Zhuohang reclined at the door, and when he saw this scene, his brows widened.

  Su Mi came back to see him and said with a smile, "After you wash your hands, sit down and wait for me to have dinner."

   After washing his hands, Chu Zhuohang stepped forward and hugged her waist: "It's rare to have time to rest for a day, why don't you take a good rest?"

"Do you think I want to be busy? I heard from Aunt Wang that I was busy a few days ago, and you were busy too. You can take two bites at will for breakfast and dinner. That's why I hurriedly cooked more delicious food to make up for someone. Body." Su Mi pinched the tip of his nose in distress.

  Chu Zhuohang laughed: "How can she be so exaggerated."

   "Even if it doesn't, it's not enough for you to make up for it?"

   "Do you think my health is not good?" Chu Zhuohang asked deeply.

   "Poor mouth!" Su Mi ignored him, reached out and untied the lid of the pot. The stewed beef brisket was fragrant. She picked up a chopstick and fed it to Chu Zhuohang.

  Chu Zhuohang leaned on her shoulder: "I heard that you went to your parents' place today and eliminated half of those women?"

   "Yeah, my own husband and son, if I don't guard myself, will I really watch them **** them?" Su Mi couldn't help laughing, "Or, are you willing to be robbed by them?"

   "I'm only willing to be robbed by you alone."

  Su Mi patted his hand: "Well, then I'll keep you safe and not give them a chance."

   Even if she lives in a place like the Chu family, she not only needs Chu Zhuohang to protect her, she can also protect many things.

  Chu Zhuohang hugged her tightly. It turned out to be the feeling of loving someone and being loved by someone.

  After dinner, the two played with Xiaochen for a while, until he fell asleep, and then he had nothing to do.

   But before I got tired of it for a while, the housekeeper came knocking on the door.

   He saw Chu Zhuohang's expression that he was very unwilling to be disturbed, and hurriedly said, "Miss Ruan is here, saying that she has something very important to tell you."

  The housekeeper also did not dare to be the master, so he had to report to Chu Zhuohang.

   "Understood, let her wait."

After   , Chu Zhuohang closed the door.

  Su Mi asked: "Ruan Weijia? A very familiar name."

   "You saw it, at the dinner party I took you to last time."

  Su Mi remembered: "Old Ruan's niece? That pretty girl, I haven't heard from her for a long time."

   (end of this chapter)

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