Chapter 2591 Extremely bold idea

"It's been a long time, because after that time, let alone her, I don't even bother to see Ruan Lao. I'm not interested in people who want to control my emotional life." Chu Zhuohang embraced Su Mi, disdainful of Ruan Weijia Take a look.

   "But the housekeeper said she's here, she has something important to do, why don't you go check the situation."

Chu Zhuohang said in a low voice, "If she wants to say it, just let her wait. Our business is more important. Besides, what can she do? Old Ruan relied on my father to fight the world, and now he is in the company. Very inflated, always relying on the old and selling the old, even I don't even care about it, and I decide everything by myself. Ruan Weijia has important things, shouldn't she go to him? "

   Hearing what Chu Zhuohang said, Su Mi finally knew why he was so busy recently, it must be Elder Ruan's business, occupying his time.

Su Mi was very distressed. Although she didn't know much about the internal situation of the huge Chu Group, she knew that there must be a lot of intrigue, and those elders must be dissatisfied with Chu Zhuohang's management. How many stumblings for him.

  Chu Zhuohang had to deal with these people every day, and he must have consumed a lot of energy.

   she said: "Then let her wait, I will give you a shoulder."

   She pressed Chu Zhuohang, but Chu Zhuohang pressed her instead: "Then let her wait."


   Ruan Weijia was sitting downstairs, actually feeling a little nervous.

  Some time ago, she bought a lot of maids in the manor to inquire about Xiao Chen and Chu Zhuohang.

  I finally heard some clues. It turned out that Chu Zhuohang was in a hotel and had a relationship with a woman, so someone sent Xiao Chen over, and Chu Zhuohang left the child and further verified the DNA.

   It turns out that this child of Chu Zhuohang came like this.

   Ruan Weijia went to inquire further, knowing that Chu Zhuohang hadn't found the mother of the child, so a very bold idea surged in his heart.

   She knew that Chu Zhuohang was fighting with that maid now, and she also promoted the maid into the entertainment industry. It can be said that she did her best to her, because the maid took good care of Xiao Chen.

  If I could find someone to pretend to be Xiao Chen's mother, wouldn't I be able to get more favors than that maid?

   It's just that this matter is really not easy to handle. She also thought about it, spent countless energy and thought about a lot of plans, before she found a very friendly young woman, and bought the doctor to try it out.

   is not necessarily successful, but if you don’t try it, you will definitely fail.

   So no matter how big the risk is, she must try.

   That's what she came here for today.

   She waited for a long time, and the tea was cold for a few cups, but Chu Zhuohang did not come downstairs.

  The housekeeper gave her another cup of tea.

   "Thank you butler. Butler, when will Master Chu come down?" Ruan Weijia couldn't help asking.

   "I don't know either. I told the young master just now that he was already busy." The housekeeper hurriedly explained that, in fact, he also knew in his heart that the young master was probably serving the young mistress.

  Who made Ruan Weijia blind, and bothered at this time?

   Ruan Weijia had no choice but to sit down and wait.

   "Miss Ruan, why don't you go back first, the young master may not have time to see you today." The butler reiterated what he just said.

   (end of this chapter)

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