The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2608: I'll come over now

   Chapter 2608 I'll come right away

   This is a strength that can be given to each other.

   When she appeared, she could only wait in his office and could not appear in front of everyone for the time being.

   But, she knows that the meaning is completely different.

  Chu Zhuohang held her hand and said with a smile: "Okay, it's just for you to witness the fiasco of Ruan Lao."

   Early in the morning, Chu Zhuohang personally drove to the Chu Group with Su Mi.

  Because he had a special elevator for the president, he went straight to the office with Su Mi, and few people noticed.

   After I got to the office, I talked with Su Miyong for a while, and then the whole company started to have other people.

   "Master, the meeting is about to start." Xiao Zhan called to confirm.

   "Okay, I'll be right here." Chu Zhuohang kissed Su Mi before letting go.

  Su Mi was waiting for him in the office, not particularly worried because he knew he could handle everything.

   The shareholders meeting held every year is a very serious meeting of Chu Group.

   This year is no exception, almost all shareholders are on the spot collectively.

   Ruan Lao sat in the position below Chu Zhuohang, with a very relaxed expression.

He spoke before Chu Zhuohang: "Everyone, all shareholders have their own rights. At the annual general meeting of shareholders, you can choose the person in power you want the most based on your own observations and thoughts. I hope you cherish it. With this opportunity in hand, you must choose the person you trust the most to steer the big ship of the Chu Group."

   Everyone nodded in agreement.

   "Then now, let's start the anonymous rejection." Ruan said.

   He was confident enough to get the consent of these people.

  Because he started early in the morning, he did a lot of work and bought people's hearts. Even those who didn't agree with him couldn't help but be shaken after hearing about his relationship with Xiaochen.

   Therefore, he is confident that he can get everything he wants, and even Chu Zhuohang will not object to him.

   As for Chu Zhuohang, his expression was very calm, as if he didn't take this ending into his eyes at all.

   Everyone is busy voting.

   And Su Mi was still sitting in Chu Zhuohang's office.

   Although others didn't know that she had come, Ruan Weijia quickly knew it.

   Because she personally called and asked Juliet.

   "So Su Mi is in Chu Zhuohang's office? What is she doing here?" Ruan Weijia asked.

"Now Xiaochen still likes her very much, so she is very dependent on her. Even I can't completely take Xiaochen's attention away. She stayed in the young master's office, and she should pick up Xiaochen who is going to class outside. Bar."

   Ruan Weijia pondered for a while: "Didn't I let you find a way to squeeze her away?"

   "There's no way. Although the young master doesn't like Su Mi, it's difficult for Xiao Chen to do it."

   Ruan Weijia secretly cursed, it's really useless.

   It's also that she can't get in touch with Xiaochen herself. If she can get in touch, what's so difficult about a little child? It's not that the method is useless.

   She asked, "Where does Xiao Chen take classes? Send me the address."

   Juliet sent her the address, however, turned around and told Su Mi what happened.

   "Understood, just keep doing it like this." Su Mi said.

  Want to start with Xiao Chen? Ruan Weijia, does she really think she has such ability?

   (end of this chapter)

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