The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2609: I'll return soon

   Chapter 2609 I will be back soon

   Ruan Weijia wanted to pick up Xiaochen, so he could find excuses and reasons.

   But, you have to get Su Mi first.

  So, she cut a plate of fruit, made two cups of coffee, put sleeping pills in it, let the assistant hold it, and knocked on the door of Chu Zhuohang's office.

  Su Mi knew it was Ruan Weijia, so she immediately opened the door and invited her in.

   "Su Mi, I didn't expect you to be here." Ruan Weijia said with a smile, she was actually jealous in her heart, but the smile on her face was frank.

   "Yes, because I have to take care of the young master later, so I can stay in the young master's office for a while."

   Ruan Weijia couldn't help biting her lip, it was because she won Xiaochen's favor, so Su Mi was so highly regarded now.

  Originally, I could do it myself... I just didn't have the opportunity to contact Xiao Chen.

   "You've worked hard to take care of the young master. I'll come to bring you some coffee." Ruan Weijia said.

   There are sleeping pills in both cups of coffee, no matter which cup Su Mi chooses, she will be hit.

  As long as Su Mi fainted, he would go to pick up Xiao Chen. At that time, Chu Zhuohang would only scold Su Mi for not doing things well, and would not blame himself at all. Instead, he would feel that he had taken credit for taking care of Xiao Chen, right?

  Su Mi smiled and said, "Thank you, let it go."

The assistant put down the fruit and coffee. Ruan Weijia wanted to watch her drink it, so she sat down and said, "I'll accompany you for a while. You are a very important person by the young master's side, so I should come to accompany you."

  Su Mi knew that she would have such an idea, and she had already figured out how to deal with it, so as soon as Ruan Weijia sat down, Xiao Zhan immediately called Ruan Weijia and said she was looking for something.

   Ruan Weijia had no choice but to leave first and let her assistant accompany Su Mi.

   But she didn't dare to let the assistant know that there are sleeping pills in the coffee and fruit, so she just said to the assistant, "Then stay with Miss Su, I'll be back soon."

  After Ruan Weijia left, Su Mi said to her assistant: "I don't really want to eat these fruits and coffee. I have something to do in a while. You can send them to others outside."

  The assistant didn't want to serve Su Mi in the first place. Hearing Ruan Weijia say that Su Mi was just a maid in the manor, because she took good care of the children, she got the resources to enter the entertainment circle, and she felt a bit of contempt in her heart.

   Let her dignified one of the general manager's assistant come to pour water for Su Mi's tea, she was already dissatisfied.

   Hearing Su Mi say this, she stood up eagerly and said with a smile, "Then I'll go out."

After    went out, someone happened to say that someone in the conference room wanted coffee, and the assistant was too lazy to brew it again. Anyway, the two cups and the fruit were all fine, so he went straight to bring the things to the front of the two shareholders.

  The voting of shareholders has come to an end and the votes are being counted.

  According to the past situation, there is no doubt that the person in power every year should be Chu Zhuohang.

   Just this year, Ruan Lao mixed in, the situation must be different.

   When the count result came out, Ruan Lao couldn't wait to ask, "How is it?"

   "There is no suspense, President Chu is still the so-called person in power!" The person who counted the votes said loudly, revealing the results.

   "How is that possible?" Elder Ruan suddenly stood up, his hands trembling.

   How could this be the result?

   (end of this chapter)

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