The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2611: You are no longer fit to stay

   Chapter 2611 You are no longer fit to stay

   Ruan Weijia was taken aback immediately. There are sleeping pills in the coffee, which are very powerful and high doses. If the shareholder drank it and fell asleep on the spot...

   She hurried over immediately.

   The situation at the scene surprised her. Most of the people chose Chu Zhuohang, and those who agreed to choose Ruan Lao seemed to have evaporated overnight.

   Ruan Lao was obviously furious, and Chu Zhuohang was forcing him to abdicate.

   At this time, there were two shareholders who drank the coffee just sent, unable to support the dose, and fell down on the table all of a sudden.

"problem occurs!"

   "Someone passed out!"

   "The shareholder fainted! It must be Mr. Ruan who did it!"

   "Call the doctor!"

  Chu Zhuohang suspended the meeting and asked for an emergency call.

   As for the two shareholders who drank coffee, everyone could see clearly that they were drinking coffee from Ruan Weijia's assistant.

  Suddenly, the shareholders couldn't help but be startled: "Elder Ruan didn't compete for the position of the person in power, so he poisoned people!"

   "How can he compete for the position of the person in power? President Chu's ability over the years is obvious to all. Anyone who wants to sit in that position, is it possible?"

   "It's terrible, it's really possible to use any means!"

   "This kind of people's heart is so vicious, fortunately I didn't choose him!"

   "Such people must be brought to justice."

   Ruan Weijia saw this scene, her feet softened and she was almost paralyzed to the ground. Although the coffee was nothing but sleeping pills, it was brought by her assistant. Everyone saw it with their own eyes. Everyone said that, how can she rely?

   And Ruan Lao not only did not get the position of the person in power, but was also asked to leave by Chu Zhuohang... When he is finished, everything is finished for her.

   Ruan Lao couldn't help but slap Ruan Weijia's face: "What have you done? What's the matter with the coffee?"

   "It's just...just sleeping pills, I'm just, just..." Ruan Weijia hesitated, hesitating, unable to say why for a while.

  Chu Zhuohang said loudly: "Xiao Zhan, leave Ruan Weijia behind and wait to cooperate with the police investigation. The meeting will continue."

   "Yes, Master," Xiao Zhan responded immediately.

  Others are stunned.

  Chu Zhuohang said: "Elder Ruan, you are no longer suitable to stay. There are still some people..."

   He read out a series of names. They were all those who followed Ruan Lao firmly. Even Chu Zhuohang sought them in private, but they were indifferent. Those people only felt their legs weaken at this moment.

  Chu Zhuohang is going to liquidate even Elder Ruan, how could they be able to stay?

   In addition, Ruan's niece Ruan Weijia was so stupid that she even tried to do something in the coffee at such a moment, which made them deeply regret. How could they cooperate with such a stupid family, and now they are in trouble.

  Chu Zhuohang said: "These shareholders, none of you are suitable to stay. When everyone is ready, please come back."

   chose the person who stood in line with Ruan Lao. This time, Chu Zhuohang pulled him out without leaving a single one. The intricate interpersonal relationships of Ruan Lao were also fully grasped by Chu Zhuohang.

   Even if there is a slight slip through the net, it will not be a major event in the future.

   One of the liquidated shareholders was dissatisfied and said loudly: "I am someone who has been with Lord Chu, and someone who has worked hard for the Chu Group. How can you say that if you don't want me to stay, you don't want me to stay?"

   (end of this chapter)

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