The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2612: What else is there to quibble about?

   Chapter 2612 What else is there to quibble about?

Chu Zhuohang smiled lightly, "You don't know about your son's loan sharking, do you? Sell your shares to me now, I'll give you a reasonable price, and you can help your son handle his affairs for the time being. It's too late, you can't solve it even if you sell it yourself."

   That shareholder changed his face when he heard the words.

   And the other shareholders who were to be liquidated all had their faces turned ashes. It was clear that Chu Zhuohang was going to liquidate them, and they had all kinds of things in their hands.

   There is no one who can compete with Chu Zhuohang.

   Everyone stopped talking, those who firmly supported Chu Zhuohang also had a steel scale in their hearts, and knew who was worthy of their following.

   And Ruan Lao, he was not convinced that the matter was over.

   He stood up and said, "Mr. Chu, is there really no room for recovery? No matter what, I am still Juliet's adoptive father, and she is your son's biological mother..."

   He wanted to save him again. If he saved him this time, he would never dare to fight against Chu Zhuohang.

   Everyone looked at Ruan Lao and thought that Chu Zhuohang might really give him another chance this time.

   After all, there is such a relationship, Chu Zhuohang can't be so heartless, right?

   Before Chu Zhuohang could speak, a woman rushed in.

   This woman is Qiao Ruini. Her father was also an old man in the Chu family. She also thought of relying on Xiaochen to take the position, but because she offended Su Mi, she was ordered by Chu Zhuohang not to appear in the Chu family manor again.

This time, she heard about Ruan Weijia and Juliet, and she has been waiting for the opportunity. Now that Chu Zhuohang trusts Ruan Weijia and Ruan Weijia very much, she can't help rushing in - she doesn't know, Chu Zhuohang took advantage of Ruan Lao.

  Qiao Ruini rushed in and said loudly, "Zhuo Hang, don't believe Ruan Lao, he and Ruan Weijia lied to you. Juliet is not Xiao Chen's biological mother at all, I have already gone to the doctor for a test!"

She turned around and pointed to Elder Ruan and said, "Your family surnamed Ruan, in order to achieve their own goals, it's really too much to cheat even this kind of thing! Do you really think you can hide from everyone? I have long ago I've got my eyes on you, I got the little master's hair and Juliet's hair and let the doctor check it. Juliet is just a fake! You deceive people so much, people are blinded and despised! Zhuo Hang, take a look This is the DNA verification report, I won't lie to you!"

  Everyone was in an uproar. He didn't expect that what Elder Ruan had done was far more than that in the company, and he even dared to deceive this matter.

   Now being exposed in public, let's see what else he has to quibble about.

   Qiao Ruini rushed in front of Chu Zhuohang, looking like she had done a great job.

  Chu Zhuohang asked back: "When did I admit the relationship between my son and Juliet?"

   He made an understatement, making everyone stunned, yes, Chu Zhuohang has never really admitted this relationship.

  Although Ruan Lao and Ruan Weijia used these to win over people in the company and win over shareholders in various ways, Chu Zhuohang never responded directly to this matter.

  So, Chu Zhuohang knew early on that Juliet was just a liar sent by the Ruan family to the Chu family manor?

  Chu Zhuohang's black belly and forbearance are really evident, so it is no wonder that Ruan Lao suffered such a fiasco this time.

   (end of this chapter)

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