Chapter 2613 Really confused

   Old Ruan looked at Chu Zhuohang and finally understood that Chu Zhuohang had been playing with himself for a long time, and he was just a poor **** who exposed everything under his nose.

  What Juliet, what Xiaochen, everything that Ruan Lao thought could be used was nothing but Chu Zhuohang's turn to numb his nerves.

   Qiao Ruini was also surprised, but she was afraid that Ruan Weijia would marry Chu Zhuohang, so she did everything she could to investigate this matter. Who knows, Chu Zhuohang already knew it.

  Chu Zhuohang said lightly: "Elder Ruan, the Chu Group is no longer suitable for you. I won't leave you either. If you should leave, just leave."

   Old Ruan opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, his face turned pale for a while, and he could only leave.

   Qiao Ruini also made fun of herself, and Chu Zhuohang ignored her at all.

  The general meeting of shareholders is hereby adjourned.

   All that should be cleared are cleared, and all that should be left are left.

  Those who stayed were also full of jealousy towards Chu Zhuohang. It turned out that he was stronger and more difficult to deal with than everyone imagined.

  Chu Zhuohang returned to the office, and Su Mi immediately got up to greet him.

   Knowing that everything must be going well outside, after all, this is the situation that he spent a long time to stabilize.

   "It's all settled, Old Ruan has already packed up his things, get out." Chu Zhuohang had no sympathy for this old man.

  Su Mi smiled and said, "I knew that no matter what, you would solve it very smoothly."

   "Now everything has been settled for his people, and the situation is stable."

"By the way, I heard that a shareholder was sent to the hospital, what happened? Ruan Weijia asked his assistant to bring me coffee, but I didn't drink it, so she brought it out. I heard that she brought it to the shareholder. Wouldn't it be the coffee's problem?"

   Chu Zhuohang couldn't help frowning when he heard this. It turned out that these coffees were originally intended for Su Mi!

   Ruan Weijia's courage is a little too big!

   "There is no conclusion yet, but Ruan Weijia is like this..." Chu Zhuohang hated this woman deeply.

   "I should have thrown out the coffee if I knew it earlier, so as not to let the shareholders suffer. I don't know what medicine it is."

  Chu Zhuohang was also a little worried, but what hurt even more was that Su Mi was almost killed.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhan soon came back and told him: "The hospital said that the shareholders drank high-strength sleeping pills, which made the shareholders' symptoms look like they suddenly fell asleep. However, further examinations are required. To avoid any residual damage."

  Su Mi was relieved when she heard this, it turned out to be the case.

  Chu Zhuohang left the company with Su Mi and went straight to the manor.

  Because it was only an ingredient of sleeping pills, Xiao Zhan did not keep Ruan Weijia any more and let her go.

   Ruan Weijia went to pick up Xiaochen according to Juliet's address. Of course, no one was there. How could she really be picked up?

   When she returned to the company again, Ruan Lao and his cronies had already been dismissed from various positions and sent out of the company.

   Ruan Lao became a complete joke, and everyone was talking: "It's really confused, I didn't expect him to do such a thing, thinking that he could become the grandfather of the little prince."

   "Is it true that the door of Mr. Chu's house is so easy to get in, and if you find any woman you think is a righteous daughter, you can send it in to do things?"

   (end of this chapter)

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