Chapter 2614 Too vicious

   "Fortunately, our President Chu is wise and wise, and will not be deceived by this kind of thing. Judging from his appearance, he has been prepared for a long time. Elder Ruan really deserved it this time."

   "That's right, I heard that Mr. Ruan was still at the shareholders' meeting and openly poisoned the shareholders. How could such a person deserve to stay in the Chu Group?"

   "Really poisoned?"

   "Haven't you heard that all shareholders have been sent to the hospital? How can people's hearts be so bad that they kill people in order to fight for power and profit!"

   When Ruan Weijia heard these words, she wanted to jump out and explain that she was just taking sleeping pills, not poison at all.

   But at a time like this, no matter what she said, no one would listen.

   She was about to turn around and leave when someone saw her: "Isn't that Ruan Weijia?"

   "I heard that the poisoned coffee was served by her assistant!"

   "It's too vicious! It's really unbelievable!"

   "Take her away, how can we work with such a person? She will drug us if we disagree..."

   "She was about to be expelled. Didn't you read the documents issued above? Her position as general manager has been dismissed long ago. How can she stay here?"

   "Drive her away! Drive her away."

   Ruan Weijia left the office in embarrassment, but when he left the office, he was stopped by the family members of the shareholders who drank coffee.

   They also refused to believe that there were only sleeping pills in the coffee, and were very angry. They came up and caught Ruan Weijia and fought.

   "It's her! She's going to poison my husband!"

   "She poisoned my father!"

   "Hit her! Kill her!"

  Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and Ruan Weijia was beaten to death.

   Fortunately, the security guards of the Chu Group came out, which saved her from the fate of continuing beatings.

   Ruan Weijia was rescued by the security guard and returned to Ruan's house. However, Lao Ruan is now unable to protect himself. His property has already been secretly acquired and bought by Chu Zhuohang.

   Ruan Weijia's own support no longer exists.

   Only now did she realize how shallow her foundation was, relying only on a fictional Juliet, and Juliet herself was also a fake. It can be said that everything that relies on a fake foundation is a castle in the air.

   Now, I have nothing.

   But Ruan Weijia refused to give up at all.

She can only think of the last solution, that is, in the Chu family manor, there are still the eyeliners she and Ruan Lao have laid out, find them, go to the Chu family manor to meet Chu Zhuohang by herself, and even offer herself, then it may be now The only way out...

  Thinking of this, she immediately called the people in the manor.

   The other party responded quickly, telling her that Chu Zhuohang was in the manor tonight, and that there were no other women around, if she went, she could help her.

   "Help me prepare some wine for Chu Zhuohang. After the evening is over, I will not be without your benefits." Ruan Weijia said.

  The matter has come to this point, she still doesn't know how to repent, she doesn't know the road ahead, it's simply not something she can get through.

   She thought to herself, as long as she can win Chu Zhuohang, she will always have a chance.

   After taking a bath, she put on a coat, sprayed on perfume, and went out, heading straight to the Chu Family Manor.

   With the help of those people, she came to the manor.

  Everything in the manor attracted her attention, the huge contracted houses, the exquisite courtyard pavilions, and the rows of servants...

   (end of this chapter)

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