The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2618: The more fried the more red

   Chapter 2618 The more you fry, the more red

   "We don't agree with this kind of data! We must give an explanation, otherwise, we will not listen to new music for the rest of our lives."

   "Uninstall New Music!"

   "Let's recommend other music platforms to you guys. The songs are great, and they are fair and just. The new music is already shit, do you still keep disgusting yourself?"

  The new music faced so many criticisms and doubts this time, so I just made a simple response, telling fans that it will be checked internally.

   This response obviously made people feel only a perfunctory attitude, without the slightest sincerity.

   This made the fans arguing even more, asking them to give an explanation.

   And Su Mi asked Xiaoke to continue recording the data that could be seen on the surface.

  If the new music changes the data the next day, it will be very obvious; if it is not changed, it will continue to be criticized by fans.

   Only now did Mai Hui know that she was in a panic, because of this incident, it would become like this. After all, it was the fake data she made in order to let the financial master behind the scenes help her push the data and to crush Su Mi.

  The gold master entrusts the work to the programmer. The programmer is a straight line thinking, how can they think so much? Data is naturally made by the system, and everything becomes feasible and regular.

  Who knows, she just sent a press release to press Su Mi, and she was exposed as a whole.

   Now facing so many people's doubts, she can only find the gold master and ask him to help find a way.

   "Isn't it Su Mi? And these fans, they are all rabble, no problem!" The gold owner is a major shareholder, and he speaks boldly and does not take things seriously.

  It is not the first time for various platforms to do things like data, and it is not the first time for him. What are you afraid of?

   Just need to arrange for the programmer to make some changes later, and just fool the past.

Mai Hui felt relieved when she heard what the gold master said. Let's fry it. The more you fry, the more popular it becomes. This matter is beneficial to her, because Su Mi is now more popular than her, and her name follows Su Mi's name. Can attract more attention than usual.

   But can things really be fooled?

   This time, Su Mi is real.

   She straightened out the data and called the police.

   Another piece of data is placed on the desks of other shareholders of New Music.

  The reason for her calling the police is very good. The data is wrong, which directly affects the listening and sales of her songs, and also affects the enthusiasm of fans, and it is unclear how much money everyone spends and earns.

   As a collaborative platform, should new music have a statement about this?

   Now, Mai Hui's patron was completely panicked.

   He is not afraid of Su Mi or fans, but he cannot ignore other shareholders and the interests of the entire company.

  In terms of new music, he immediately ordered a thorough investigation of everything, and the gold master panicked and went abroad overnight.

   The next day, without the data list controlled by the gold master, it quickly returned to normal.

  The ranking of singers is similar to that of other platforms, and Mai Hui is no longer the leader.

  Mai Hui's ranking dropped unseen, and the rankings of other singers rose in sequence.

  Because of Su Mi's report to the police, the police launched an investigation into this practice of manipulating data and playing with fans, and went directly to the new music company to start collecting evidence.

   Mai Hui was so frightened that she stopped all work, because what she feared most was to be found out about the relationship between her and the gold master. After all, the gold master was a man with a wife, children and a family...

   (end of this chapter)

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