The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2619: Nice job doing this

   Chapter 2619 This thing is done beautifully

  The fans were rejoicing, this was a collective victory for the fans.

   But it was also a victory for Su Mi to fight against unfairness.

  Like Mai Hui and his likes, he usually pulls and steps on it and takes advantage of Su Mi's popularity. Su Mi has always paid little attention to it.

   But that doesn't mean that Su Mi won't resist, it doesn't mean that she has always been calm.

  When things are going to be extremely unfair, Su Mi will definitely represent herself and her fans to seek justice from such people.

   Mai Hui stopped working like this, as if she had given up everything she owned. In the entertainment industry where newcomers are born, I am afraid that she will lose her name soon.

  People outside the circle don't know what happened to her, but people inside the circle vaguely know what's wrong with her.

   Her singing skills are just average, she is better than being sweet in appearance and being praised by others, but the sweetness in appearance is temporary. After two years, who else will remember such sweetness?


  Xiao Ke really wants to give Su Mi a thumbs up this time: "It's really amazing, Su Mi! This is a beautiful job."

   "However, I don't know if it will offend the people of New Music. After all, that major shareholder still has some power." Su Mi said, she was just taking a gamble.

   Sister Cao came in excitedly and said with a smile, "Guess what you got?"

   "What?" Su Mi asked, looking at Sister Cao's appearance, it seemed like a good thing.

   "The gift from the new music, and the invitation to the event." Sister Cao said.

  Su Mi knew in her heart that she won the bet, and took the thing with a smile.

   She said, "After this rectification of the new music, other shareholders have taken over?"

"That's right, Mai Hui's funder has been investigated, and he has been arrested for the crime of duty violation and the crime of damaging the company's finances. The shareholders who have been suppressed by him are finally able to come forward. Although the new music has gone through a period of pain, but now After eliminating the internal personnel, the development momentum is better. This is equivalent to an opportunity provided by us, otherwise, they will never find a suitable opportunity to do this kind of thing.

  Su Mi, when you asked me to call the police before, I was really worried, afraid of offending the music platforms in the circle, so that no one dared to cooperate with us in the future. Now I am a little relieved. "

Su Mi smiled and said: "I also asked Zhuo Hang to help them find out. They dared to do this because of their internal struggles. Fortunately, Zhuo Hang's analysis is correct. Indeed, I helped them get rid of an internal worm. ."

   She opened the gift, which was some headsets, stereos, etc. from the other company, as well as an invitation ticket for the event.

  Su Mi will definitely go to this event. On the one hand, it tells the fans that the rectification effect of the new music is effective, and on the other hand, it also shows the sincerity of the cooperation between the new music and the singer.

   "Sister Cao, have you screened for me?" Su Mi asked.

   This question is what Su Mi and Sister Cao are discussing - job-hopping.

   The suppression of Qiao Hui and Lin Xialu made both Cao Jie and Su Mi feel the pressure. Su Mi had a better development opportunity, but was suppressed by Qiao Hui and was too tired to deal with her and Lin Xialu's affairs.

   So Su Mi and Sister Cao plan to leave Huanxi Entertainment together and leave.

  Sister Cao has been helping Su Mi secretly select suitable companies, and has been busy with this recently.

   When you find a suitable one, you will have to showdown with Qiao Hui and leave.

   (end of this chapter)

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