The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3255: will not be difficult for you

   Chapter 3255 It will not be difficult for you

   She smiled: "I've seen a lot of good-looking pictures, but I really don't see many people who can turn pictures into clothes like you, without losing their taste and charm."

   "Mrs. Gao has won the prize. Although my clothes are indeed very good, it is also because Mrs. Gao is good at driving that she can show her style to the maximum extent. If you change to other people, it will not complement each other so well." Xia Jiu is neither humble nor arrogant.

"I just like your temperament, confident, and generous." Mrs. Gao smiled, "Then I will use your clothes for the next year. However, Xia Jiu, I found that the relationship between you and Xia Ruomeng There are some similarities in the design, is there any hidden meaning in it?"

"Mrs. Gao, to tell you the truth, Xia Ruomeng and I have some personal feelings and grievances at work. I have no evidence for the design, so I can't talk nonsense for the time being." Xia Jiu said that, but the meaning of the words, Mrs. Gao understood it completely.

   Mrs. Gao has her own real abilities, otherwise she would not abandon Xia Ruomeng and switch to Xia Jiu. She doesn't know what happened to this dispute, but she believes in Xia Jiu.

   What's more, she also inquired about what happened in BIR that day, and knew why there was such a condition on her neck in the end.

"If that's the case, then you can do things well. It's gold, and it will always shine." Mrs. Gao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I'm quite optimistic about you. Sometimes, people inevitably take some twists and turns, but Just hold on for a while and it's over. Whose life is a great road?"

   Her words carried the open-mindedness and wisdom of those who had come over. They were not words of comfort, but they warmed Xia Jiu's heart.

   "Let's go, go down for a drink." Mrs. Gao went downstairs with her arm in arm.

   "I'm not very good at drinking, Mrs. Gao, let me have a drink?"

   "Okay, at my banquet, don't stick to those, you can drink whatever you want. I'll meet some friends over there, you should be as comfortable as you are at home."

  Xia Jiu nodded gratefully, pursed her red lips, and just picked up a drink when she saw a familiar figure walk in from outside.

   It was Fang Minghao and Xia Ruomeng.

  Fang Minghao looked mature and handsome in a black suit, Xia Ruomeng looked generous in a long white dress.

   "I know Mrs. Gao was a little angry that day, but no matter what, it's okay to cooperate or not in the future. I think it's better to apologize." Xia Ruomeng said, "I really didn't expect what happened that day."

   "It's okay, Mrs. Gao will definitely forgive you." Fang Minghao comforted, "My dad has asked someone to talk to Mrs. Gao, so she won't make it difficult for you."

   "The incident at BIR was an accident. Unfortunately, I lost my job at BIR because of this accident..." Xia Ruomeng was very apologetic.

Fang Minghao was still very gentle: "I don't blame you for that. Few people knew about Mrs. Gao's allergy to wool. Besides, you were pregnant and didn't pay attention to the precautions they gave. It's not a big problem. I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that Mrs. Gao's allergy disappeared in a day or two, and it had no effect on her skin. "

   "That's good, otherwise I'll always feel ashamed. I can't bear to let BIR have problems with Mrs. Gao."

Fang Minghao said: "BIR will not be affected by such a small thing. They are such a big company and there are so many well-known designers. Now, you can stay at Xia's house and work in peace. Bring your designs to Xia's house. Go, the Fang family will invest another sum of money in it, and then, after opening the dedicated line, the future will be no worse than in BIR."

  Xia Ruomeng was happy: "Thank you, Minghao, you are really nice."

   She really didn't expect that this time it would be a blessing in disguise. After being expelled from BIR, Fang Minghao persuaded the Fang family to invest a lot of money into the Xia family.

   The Xia family, whose business was damaged due to the death of Xia Jiu's parents, suddenly became prosperous, and now is a period of rapid development.

   As long as his design is replaced by clothing, the Xia family will rise rapidly, better than before, and even catch up with BIR.

   And at that time, were you worried that people like Mrs. Gao would not cooperate with you?

   The two were talking when Xia Ruomeng looked up and saw Xia Jiu.

Xia Jiu has long curly chestnut hair and a face the size of a palm. She is fair and petite. Standing under the light, it seems as if the heavens favor her. The light casts a gentle halo on her, making her look beautiful and elegant. .

   Wearing a long dress on her already tall body, her limbs are extraordinarily slender, her arms are thin and tender, and her gestures exude a light that cannot be ignored.

  Xia Ruomeng tilted her head and saw that Fang Minghao was also looking at Xia Jiu fascinatedly, she couldn't help being a little annoyed, what is Xia Jiu doing here?

   Shouldn't it be for BIR to settle the matter?

  As Mrs. Gao, BIR arranged for an assistant to come and apologize?

  Xia Ruomeng pulled Fang Minghao, walked towards Xia Jiu, and greeted gently: "Xia Jiu! Why are you here?"

   "Yeah, why are you here?" Xia Jiu asked rhetorically.

   "We were invited by Mrs. Gao and came here specially." Xia Ruomeng said with a smile, in fact, the Fang family entrusted the relationship to be able to appear here, but in front of Xia Jiu, how could she admit defeat?

   "As it happens, so do I." Xia Jiu smiled, her red lips parted softly, raised her drink cup, took a sip, her posture was indescribably elegant.

  Fang Minghao suddenly felt a little dry in his throat. He hadn't seen Xia Jiu like this for a long time.

Xia Jiu has always been arrogant, like a peacock. He has never had a soft attitude in front of him. He used to think that women were too cold, hard and arrogant. It was boring, but now, he found that such a woman also has a rare style. in.

Xia Ruomeng didn't notice Fang Minghao's actions, but she didn't believe Xia Jiu's words very much. She just smiled and asked, "Why didn't you see other people from BIR coming? Mrs. Gao is very valuable, what happened last time? , It is indeed the mistake of all of us, I think, why does BIR have to arrange for high-level people to come and show up?"

"I can't answer you if the BIR executives won't come, but Mrs. Gao invited me as an assistant, and I came here. In addition, I remind you that you seem to have forgotten that the last mistake was not everyone's mistake, but Is it your fault? Don't blame everyone on this kind of thing. After all, the one who was kicked out by BIR was only you, not everyone. I believe you have to figure out the difference. Right?" Xia Jiu eloquently refuted the flaws in Xia Ruomeng's words.

   (end of this chapter)

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