Chapter 3256 Full of Targets

  Xia Ruomeng was scolded in front of Fang Minghao, and his face was a little red, but when he glanced at Fang Minghao, he was in a trance and had no plans to speak for himself.

It’s okay to be distracted, then you can’t hear Xia Jiu’s ridicule, and Xia Ruomeng also ridiculed it and said, “Let’s put the work aside for now. By the way, Xia Jiu, you have to take care of Xia Lin too. , We were walking in the park yesterday, and she came up to me indiscriminately to beat me. Fortunately, there was no problem.

I'm not afraid of anything else. First, I'm afraid that this child in my stomach is the heart of the Fang family's heart. Second, I'm afraid that Charlene's body is already weak, and it's not good to be sick all the time. She knew it was her own trouble, but she didn't know what I had done to her. "

   She said these words so softly that others might not feel anything, but in Xia Jiu's ears, every sentence was a curse.

Fang Minghao also came back to his senses at this moment, listening to Xia Ruomeng's words, he agreed very much, and said: "Xia Jiu, Ruo Meng is also for the well-being of Xia Lin, Xia Lin is not in good health and needs to rest more. Our business, I don't care. Hopefully it will affect her."

   "Don't worry, your affairs really won't affect Charlene. Even if you have any problems, Charlene will be fine."

  Xia Ruomeng was a little anxious: "Why are you talking like this? Xia Jiu, I am really good for Xia Lin, and also for you. If something happens to Xia Lin's body, shouldn't you pay for the medical expenses?"

"That's my business. Xia Ruomeng, you'd better take good care of it, otherwise, if you have an accident, you will spend the money left by the Xia family's parents to treat you." Xia Jiu said unceremoniously. cool.

   After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

  Xia Ruomeng was so angry that she said to Fang Minghao with a pale face: "Xia Jiu, how did she become like this?"

Fang Minghao was also very puzzled. In the past, Xia Jiu was just arrogant. In front of him, he never surrendered. , is not only arrogant, but also adds some meanness, speaks and does things without mercy, when he speaks, it is full of targets, which is unpleasant.

"Also, the Xia family's family business does have my father's share. At the beginning, the entire Xia family's property was built on the basis of the inheritance of my grandfather and grandmother. If there is Xia Jiu's family, it should also be We belong to our family. Now that the eldest uncle and aunt have passed away, my father will take charge of the Xia family's family business. I don't know why Xia Jiu is so hostile. Before, every time my father talked about business, he would also They will take Xia Jiu with them. But Xia Jiu didn't want to cherish it and went to work in BIR..." Xia Ruomeng was afraid that Fang Minghao would think too much, and immediately began to make up an argument for occupying the family business.

The saying    was originally a myth. In the past, the Xia Huangshan family relied entirely on Xia Jiu's parents for food, but now it has changed and it has become a common family business.

   A lie is told a thousand times and it becomes a true lie.

Fang Minghao naturally believed it. There were always a lot of disputes within the rich family. He was used to it, but he just thought it was an internal matter of the Xia family. If dream.

   "I know, Xia Jiu is nothing more than because the two of us have an opinion. At the beginning, I really should have broken up with her first, and then stayed with you." Fang Minghao mentioned this matter and felt a little guilty.

   "You regret being with me?" Xia Ruomeng asked aggrieved.

   "Of course not, I just think I should break up with Xia Jiu sooner. To prevent everyone from having so many problems. And to prevent you from being wronged."

  Xia Ruomeng smiled softly: "I'm not wronged at all, it's the best when I can be with you."

   "Let's go then, let's go to Mrs. Gao's side and explain to her what happened at that time." Fang Minghao said, and walked towards Mrs. Gao with Xia Ruomeng.

  I didn't expect that when they walked over, they saw Xia Jiu also standing beside Mrs. Gao. It seemed that Xia Jiu had the same goal as theirs this time, and they all came to win Mrs. Gao's forgiveness.

   It's just that Xia Jiu now represents BIR, and they can only represent individuals.

   Even if Xia Ruomeng was guilty, she could only bite the bullet and go forward.

   Mrs. Gao has a slender figure. When she speaks, she brings a little smile with her. She has an extremely beautiful temperament. Holding a wine glass, she is communicating with people.

  Xia Jiu couldn't help showing a mocking smile when she saw them coming.

   Mrs. Gao looked at it and said with a smile, "You are here, I will meet them."

   After saying that, she walked straight towards Mrs. Gao.

Fang Minghao held Xia Ruomeng's hand, and when she saw Mrs. Gao came over, she was overjoyed, took a few steps forward, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Gao, I am Fang Minghao from Desheng Law Firm. Please give me more advice."

   Mrs. Gao moved her gaze and landed on Fang Minghao. She smiled and said, "You are the son of lawyer Fang Fang? You are really young and promising."

   "Mrs. Gao has won the award, and my father often mentions you, let our younger generation learn more from you." Fang Minghao smiled gracefully, "Mrs. Gao, let me introduce my fiancee Xia Ruomeng to you."

  How could Mrs. Gao not know that Fang Minghao brought Xia Ruomeng this time because of the BIR incident.

She raised her eyebrows, and Xia Ruomeng hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mrs. Gao, we meet again. I haven't had time to sincerely apologize to you for what happened last time. Today, I'll take the liberty of taking this opportunity to say something to you. I'm sorry, and I'll explain to you that what happened last time was really because I didn't finish it well, and it doesn't concern other people. I hope Mrs. Gao can accept my apology."

   In public, she can only take responsibility for herself and cannot shirk it, otherwise it will lead to greater dissatisfaction with Mrs. Gao.

   She expected that Mrs. Gao would definitely forgive herself.

  Otherwise, after the accident, Mrs. Gao would not have been inactive all the time. BIR was not even mentioned on Weibo. In her previous practice, she had already scolded BIR on Weibo.

   I didn’t scold me this time, but there was still room for it.

  Fang Minghao was very satisfied with Xia Ruomeng's generosity and looked at Mrs. Gao.

   Mrs. Gao held the goblet, still with a smile on her face, and said, "Don't be so polite, I don't care about BIR."

   I didn't care about BIR because I used Xia Jiu's design.

   And knowing that Xia Ruomeng was fired, Mrs. Gao's tone in her heart has long since passed.

   (end of this chapter)

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