Chapter 3270 Ectopic pregnancy

   Her legs were so weak that she could not stand, and when she was about to fall, a pair of powerful palms supported her: "Miss Xia, are you alright?"

   "My stomach hurts a little..." Xia Jiu didn't hold back. Hearing Gu Yannan's voice, he frowned and said, "Please call me an ambulance."

   "I'll take you to the hospital."

   "Let's just call..." Xia Jiu didn't want to trouble him.

   "You forgot that I am an obstetrician and gynecologist?" Gu Yannan's voice sounded above her head.

  Xia Jiu couldn't tell the difference, and she didn't have much strength in the pain. Following Gu Yannan's support, she got into his car.

   After getting into the car, she closed her eyes and put her hand on her lower abdomen. Pain came in bursts, and she didn't know what was going on.

   The road felt very far away, and the speed of the car was obviously fast, but Xia Jiu felt that the distance was unbearable.

  I don't know how long it took, she was taken into the hospital in a daze, and sent to the ward.

   In the daze, doctors and nurses walked by, Xia Jiu's eyes were tired and some couldn't open.

After a long time, Gu Yannan's voice rang in her ears: "Miss Xia? Miss Xia?"

   "Mr. Gu?" Xia Jiu could only barely cheer up, "How is my condition?"

   "Miss Xia, have you had a maternity checkup before?"

   "I did it twice." Xia Jiu remembered the doctor Shen Muhan called.

   Later, she didn't care much, so she stopped doing it.

   It wasn't until Aunt Zhang reminded her that it was time to make one.

Gu Yannan helped her up and made her sit upright, and then he said solemnly: "Miss Xia, now your examination status is out, you are ectopic pregnancy, and you must have an abortion right away. The longer you delay, the worse it will be for your health. "

  Xia Jiu panicked: "Ectopic pregnancy? What is that?"

"The fetus is not in the uterus when it implants. In the early stage, it is very close to the normal pregnancy, so it usually takes a while to find out. Therefore, in the early stage, many obstetric examinations will be required. You do not have enough obstetric examinations, so until now I just found out. Your body is already protesting." Gu Yannan explained, "This operation cannot be delayed. The older the fetus grows, the more dangerous it will be to you. Moreover, this is not a fetus, and there is no way to grow into a normal child. Have you been feeling sick for a few days? Are there any signs of bleeding?"

  Xia Jiu was stunned and nodded lightly, she was really uncomfortable these days.

   Originally thought it was too tired, just take a rest, I didn’t expect it to be an ectopic pregnancy.

   In the past, Xia Jiuba had to have no children, so she left Shen Muhan's side early and had no relationship or relationship with him.

   But now that she knew that the child was an ectopic pregnancy, there was no possibility of her staying, and her heart instantly paled and became a huge void.

   Maybe because of putting energy and love into it, expectations have become different from before.

   "Is there really no way to stay?" Her face was pale and her abdominal pain was like a cramp.

   "Miss Xia, a serious ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening. In your situation, you really need an operation right away." Gu Yannan said patiently and handed the examination report to her.

  Xia Jiu watched it for a while. Although he didn't understand the terminology, it was written very clearly. He needed to inform his family and have the surgery immediately.

   The feeling from her body also reminded her that the situation is really not as optimistic as she imagined.

   "Miss Xia, tell your family to come and sign the surgery." Gu Yannan said regretfully.

  Xia Jiu was stunned for a while, wanted to notify Shen Muhan to sign?

   He will definitely think that he is lying to him, and he has an almost paranoid obsession with this child.

  Xia Jiu was afraid to inform him that he would not have to do the operation, so he could only die.

  The fear of being dominated by Shen Muhan's domineering went online, she shook her head, even if he informed him, he agreed, and he would not be able to rush back from Europe immediately.

   "Mr. Gu, please help me arrange the operation. I don't have any other family members except my younger sister." Xia Jiu bowed her head, her long curly chestnut hair covered her face and loneliness.

   "Where's your boyfriend?" Gu Yannan asked routinely.

  Xia Jiu shook his head.

  Gu Yannan didn't ask any more questions, "I'll give you the surgical sheet, you can sign it yourself later. You can't delay your situation. It's already red, which means that the abdominal bleeding is already serious."

  Xia Jiu nodded.

  Gu Yannan walked out.

   Xia Jiu still has a few friends from school days, but they are all children from the ordinary middle class, so Xia Jiu didn't think about asking them for help before when he raised medical expenses.

   Later, she became even more estranged from them. After all, Shen Muhan, the big Buddha, was here, and Xia Jiu was also afraid of getting involved.

   Now, when it comes to abortion and surgery, she is even less willing to involve others, so signing her own is the best plan.

   Before Gu Yannan came, she closed her eyes and rested.

   The phone rang, and there was a rapid ringtone, Xia Jiu raised his hand and clicked to answer.

   It was the voice of the housekeeper: "Miss Xia, do you need to arrange for a driver to come and pick you up? It's getting late, where are you now?"

   "No need to make arrangements. I'm still working overtime in the company, and there are a lot of things to do these days. I'll come back by myself when the time comes."

  The housekeeper hesitated, "Then you take good care of yourself."

   "I will, don't worry."

Xia Jiu hung up the phone and didn't tell the housekeeper the truth. He was afraid that when he said it, Shen Muhan would come to find someone to take him away, go to toss and check again, and then have the operation. He might not even write that he believed in the results of the operation, and he had to ask himself. leave the child.

  My body really can't bear such a toss.

  Although she also regrets the situation of this child... But since she can't stay, it's pointless to force it.

   After a while, Gu Yannan brought the surgical sheet and handed it to her. Xia Jiu took the sheet and pen, reluctantly put it on it, and signed her name.

  Gu Yannan and the nurse came forward and pushed Xia Jiu into the operating room. She was in so much pain at the moment that she didn't have the energy to think too much.

   Then, with the injection of anesthesia needle, she fell into a complete drowsiness.


When    woke up, the nurse was pinching her ear and talking to her: "Miss Xia, your operation has been successful. All you have to do now is to rest well, eat lightly, and pay more attention."

   "Yeah." Xia Jiu's voice was too lazy to lift her fingers.

   However, the pain involved in the abdomen has completely disappeared, and I can hardly feel it.

  The existence of this child did not bring her too many feelings, and now it is gone, but she is a little worried, and she closed her eyes tightly.

   The door of the ward was closed, leaving the room empty.

   (end of this chapter)

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