The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3271: i want to be discharged

   Chapter 3271 I want to be discharged

  Xia Jiu was drowsy. It was already midnight and his body was very tired, but he couldn't sleep all the time. He could only close his eyes and recuperate.

   After a while, the door was knocked softly.

   "Please come in." Xia Jiu said weakly, there was not much expression on her pale face.

The tall figure who came in, wearing a white coat, was Gu Yannan. His expression was very gentle, which concealed the alienation in his demeanor. Perhaps because he was used to being a doctor, he never showed his true emotions and expressions when dealing with people. .

   "I brought you some medicine, and some food to eat." Gu Yannan sat down in front of the hospital bed, "Anti-inflammatory medicine, you must eat it. You can eat it as you see fit."

  Xia Jiu sat up slowly, Gu Yannan helped her and handed her the medicine and water.

   She took the medicine, but had no plans to eat.

   I wasn’t very hungry, and I didn’t have the appetite to eat.

   "Or, you should have something to eat." Gu Yannan suggested, "You are still young, so if you don't have a child, you can only say that you have no fate. Take care of your body, and there will always be opportunities in the future."

  Xia Jiu smiled bitterly, under the light, her face was extraordinarily white, with a layer of cool tones, a kind of cold beauty, but at the moment it was desolate.

   In fact, the matter of the child has never been considered in her life. She is still young, and this kind of thing has not been put on the agenda.

   Just thinking of Shen Muhan, the uneasiness in his heart continued to expand. He cared so much about this child and did everything he could to keep himself, just for the sake of this child. Now that the child is gone, what would he think with his temperament?

   "If it's inconvenient to eat, I'll feed you?" Gu Yannan's voice had the calm tone of a doctor, making it difficult to truly reject his kindness.

   However, Xia Jiu still refused, she shook her head, "Mr. Gu, please leave it there, I'll eat it myself later."

  Gu Yannan did not force, put down the food, stood up and said, "Then you have a good rest, I have already handled the hospitalization procedures for you here. You can stay in the hospital for a few days for observation."

   watched his back and left, and watched him close the door, Xia Jiu's eyes were withdrawn, and how many days did he stay in the hospital for observation?

   She is afraid that she does not have such time and opportunity.

   was finally too tired, Xia Jiu slept, and when the sky was bright, she sat up.

   The nurse brought medicine and food over: "Miss Xia, it's time to take medicine and breakfast. This is your anti-inflammatory medicine, and this is the breakfast specially arranged for you by Dr. Gu."


  It was probably arranged by Gu Yannan, so the nurse didn't leave right away. She poured water for Xia Jiu, watched her take the medicine, and helped her to bring the steaming light food over and watch Xia Jiu eat it.

  Xia Jiu was really hungry right now, so she ate a bowl of light vegetable porridge.

Then the nurse packed up her things and said with a smile, "Miss Xia wants to eat, just ring the bell and explain to me. If you have other needs, you can come to me. Doctor Gu said that you are his friend, so I will be here for you. take care of you."

   It seems that the nurse is not happy to take care of Xia Jiu, but is happy to do what Gu Yannan arranged, even if she is busy, she has no complaints.

   "By the way, Miss Xia, don't you have family and friends here to take care of you?" The nurse seemed to ask casually.

  Xia Jiu glanced at the nurse and understood what she meant. Was she afraid that this child belonged to Gu Yannan?

   It seems that Mr. Gu's popularity in the hospital is really high.

   "My boyfriend is abroad, so I couldn't make it back. You know, my situation this time was very sudden." Xia Jiu didn't want to cause any gossip to Gu Yannan, so she explained it.

Sure enough, the nurse was very happy when she heard it, and said, "Indeed, your situation this time is very sudden and dangerous. The main reason is that you didn't have an obstetric examination before, and you don't know that with the development of the fetus, there is no implantation in the uterus. The fetus will burst the fallopian tube, which is very critical. Fortunately, you are a friend of Dr. Gu. He is the best doctor in our hospital. If he hadn't personally acted on the surgery, your situation this time would have been very bad. "

  Xia Jiu closed his eyes slightly: "Yes, thank you very much."

   The nurse saw that she was tired and didn't want to say more, so she closed the door and left.

  Xia Jiu called Manager Du to ask for leave.

   Manager Du naturally promised, and asked, "It's really hard for you to open the special line during this time. Since you're tired, you can rest for a few more days. I'll help you support things in the company."

   "Thank you, Manager Du." Xia Jiu was really grateful. According to her current physical condition, she really had to rest for two more days.

   On Shen Muhan's side, he still doesn't know how to explain...

   She was stunned, and before she put down the phone, the call from the Shen family villa came again.

  Xia Jiu glanced at it and picked it up.

   is still the butler's voice: "Miss Xia, the driver went to the BIR to pick you up from get off work, why didn't you see you? I'm also worried about your physical condition here. I'm worried that your staying up late will affect your health."

"After working overtime yesterday, I met a friend who was in the hospital. I'll be back soon." Xia Jiu said, this matter should be told to Shen Muhan in person. Look at the face.

   "Miss Xia went to see her sister?" The housekeeper heard that she was in the hospital, and subconsciously thought so, and only in this way could he explain Xia Jiu's whereabouts.

   Xia Jiuyi didn't come back all night last night, but the housekeeper was so anxious that he didn't dare to rest all night.

  Although the eldest young master has arranged for the entire Jingyuan hospital to not allow Xia Jiu to perform an abortion operation, Xia Jiu's performance is also normal, but who knows if things will happen again?

   And some doctors are indeed not within the jurisdiction of the eldest young master.

   Now that the eldest young master is away, the housekeeper is most worried about what happens, although he thinks that Xia Jiu will not mess around.

   "Hmm." Xia Jiu didn't explain much, "I'll be right back."

   After she hung up the phone, she switched the phone to mirror mode, and a pale little face appeared in it, her eyes were getting bigger and darker, but she was a little absent-minded.

   put some blush on herself, and put on lipstick again, and she didn't get up until the self in the mirror was not too different from usual.

   Her stomach didn't hurt much, but her body was so weak that she was dizzy. When she walked out, she felt like she was sweating profusely.

The    nurse hurried over to support her and said, "Miss Xia, just let me do what you want to do."

   "I want to be discharged."

   (end of this chapter)

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