The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3290: there will always be similarities

   Chapter 3290 There will always be similarities

   Xia Lin couldn't say it for a while, she was not yet an adult, and she was still ill, and Shen Ye was many years older than her, moreover, there was no established relationship, but she just knew each other for a short time.

   It seems that she is really in a hurry, my sister did nothing wrong.

  Charlene stuck out her tongue: "It's nothing, Young Master Ye, just Young Master Ye."

"Linlin, there's nothing wrong with you making friends, we all need friends. You're alone in the hospital, you're lonely, especially in need. I'm very happy and relieved that you have friends, and I'm even worried that you don't have friends. But , you are still young, you can't see a tree, you think it's a forest.

  I can see that Young Master Ye has that kind of meaning for you, but you promised me that in any case, you won't consider whether to have a boyfriend or not until you are eighteen years old, at least when you are an adult. "

   Xia Jiu's words are very firm and cannot be ignored.

  Puppy love is not bad, everyone has a period of youth and ignorance.

  If Charlene was at school and Shen Ye was a student at the school, she wouldn't care.

   But the current Xia Lin is still childish. Because of her illness, she is only fourteen or fifteen years old, and it is not suitable to talk about feelings with an adult at all.

   Her mental capacity is beyond her capacity.

  Charlene nodded earnestly: "I know, I promise you, and I will never consider these things now. I just... He came to accompany me, and I just felt very happy."

"When your condition is stable and you can go to school, the body is suitable, the age is suitable, and what kind of man you like, I will not stop you." Xia Jiu put her hand on her shoulder, "I also Trust you, you can handle these things."

   "Yes." Charlene nodded heavily.

   When Xia Jiu left, Shen Ye also followed. He was very tall, more than Xia Jiu's head.

   In terms of appearance, Shen Ye can definitely be said to be excellent. It's not surprising that Xia Lin likes him. Even Xia Jiu thinks that he looks a little familiar.

   Good-looking people always have similarities.

   However, he is Meng Zetian's friend, and he must be like a brother-in-law. People like brother-in-law don't take feelings seriously.

   "Miss Xia, let me accompany you out." Shen Ye was tall and had long legs, so he quickly caught up.

   "Young Master Ye came by coincidence, I just have something to talk to you about." Xia Jiu had a bright smile on her face, "Sit down for a while?"

   "Okay." Shen Ye agreed immediately. He was always full of vigor, and he was a very likable young man.

  Sit down at a cafe, Shen Ye asked Xia Jiu what she would like to drink in a gentlemanly manner, helped her order, and then said, "Miss Xia wants to talk about Xia Lin, right?"

   "Our parents have passed away, and our sisters depend on each other. She is not yet an adult, and she is still ill. And Young Master Ye is already an adult. There are some things, I hope Young Master Ye can be more measured."

  Coffee came soon, Xia Jiu's spoon stirred in the coffee, allowing the dark brown liquid to swirl one by one.

   "I understand your worries. But I also confess that although I am an adult, even a few years older than you, I have never liked anyone before."

   As soon as Shen Ye spoke, a sunny smile appeared. Xia Jiu didn't know if what he said was true or not, but his smile could make people lose their vigilance.

She smiled lightly: "After Charlene's condition is cured, she still needs to continue her studies. If Young Master Ye really likes her, let her have more opportunities to grow herself, and give you more opportunities for each other - see if the other party is not. It really suits me."

  Shen Ye smiled: "I will."

   "Then I hope Young Master Ye can do what he says." A smile formed on the corner of Xia Jiu's lips, "Otherwise, the police would care about the emotional disputes between underage girls and adult men."

   "Miss Xia, your attitude is really tough. Have you always been so protective of yourself and your sister?" Shen Ye asked with a smile.

  Xia Jiu took a sip of coffee and swallowed a bit of bitterness. It seems that such a method can only be used to deal with people other than Shen Muhan?

   If you really want to meet someone like Shen Muhan, you don't want to be soft or hard. It's useless to have a tough attitude.

   "No way, who told me to be just such a sister," Xia Jiu smiled lightly, she left the money on the table, "Young Master Ye, I believe in your gentlemanly demeanor as an adult."

   Carrying the bag, Xia Jiu walked out.

   Back at the villa, she didn't see Shen Muhan.

   To be precise, during this period of time, Shen Muhan was around very few, and it was not easy to meet at breakfast or dinner.

   This kind of situation is what Xia Jiu is happy to see, she doesn't want to have any relationship with Shen Muhan.

   But even so, she still did not relax her vigilance. From the day she bought the contraceptive pill, the first thing the alarm clock rang every morning was to take a contraceptive pill.

   Be prepared.

   At other times, she is busy with her design career.

When   Charlene called, she was busy drawing pictures and pressed the green answer button. She asked casually, "What's the matter, Linlin?"

   "Sister, I want to go to the celebration activities of Kyungwon University. Can you?"

  Xia Jiu put down the electronic pencil and remembered that the university Xia Lin had always wanted to study in was Jingyuan University, but she had to study intermittently and didn't really stay in school for too long.

  It is normal for Charlene to want to go to school.

   she asked, "Who gave you the invitation?"

"It's Shen Ye. He graduated from Jingyuan University, and he said he could tell me about the school. You know, I want to wait until I get better, and then go to Jingyuan University. This time, he said to take me there. Experience it." Charlene said cautiously.

   "Well, let him give me one too."

   "Are you going with me too, sister?"

   "Otherwise? Do you think I'll let you go out alone? The celebration of Jingyuan University will take several days, so you might spend the night there."

  Charlene nodded hurriedly: "Then I'll ask him to give the invitation. If he doesn't get it, I won't go."

  Xia Jiu smiled: "Well, good."

   Actually, this time Shen Ye's suggestion, Xia Jiu felt that there was nothing wrong with it, aside from the other thoughts in his mind.

  Charlene is recovering well now, and it is indeed suitable for her to move around more. Going to a place like school is more suitable for her than anywhere else.

   As far as this matter is concerned, Shen Ye has a heart.

   Two days later, Xia Jiu received an invitation letter from Jingyuan University. It was not easy for someone who didn't even have a graduation certificate to get such an invitation letter.

   (end of this chapter)

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