The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 3291: Put Shen Muhan to sleep and go bankrupt

   Chapter 3291 Put Shen Muhan to sleep and go bankrupt

   After she received it, she chatted a little with Charlene.

   learned that Xia Ruomeng was also going to the school celebration.

Xia Ruomeng's purpose of participating is very clear. This time her design has opened a special line and will be listed soon. As an excellent graduate of Jingyuan University, she took this opportunity to participate in the celebration party, not only to give herself another chance Plated with a layer of golden light, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to promote a wave of clothing that will soon be on the market, which is indeed killing two birds with one stone.

  Xia Jiu squinted slightly, and sorted out the fact that he had been plagiarizing his graduation project at that time.

Before   , Xia Ruomeng directly used her graduation project and won the title of outstanding graduate, and also won high praise in the circle.

Before   , Xia Jiu's temper was straight and straight, and he didn't understand the twists and turns at all, but on the day of the graduation project defense, he chose to expose Xia Ruomeng on the spot, and then he was overcast, and then he lost the qualification to graduate smoothly.

   Looking back now, I was too impulsive at the time.

   After being hanged by the society, Xia Jiu has now restrained a lot of temper, and those things that are straight and straight have also been polished by her.

   Well, this time, Xia Jiu wanted to take this opportunity to explain the graduation project directly.

   She entered the class group and campus group and inquired about something.

  Xia Jiu is usually arrogant and doesn't have many friends, but there are a few excellent ones.

   Besides, there were actually quite a few other classmates, especially male classmates, who wanted to make friends with her. After asking for a while, she asked for the information she wanted.

   Peace of mind, Xia Jiu knew that what Xia Ruomeng owed her this time should be paid back.

   After thinking about everything, Xia Jiu packed up and went to bed.

   Footsteps sounded outside the door, Xia Jiu's heart jolted and turned on the lamp, followed by the sound of the key.

   She gritted her teeth secretly, the door was locked, she was always careful.

   But when you hear the sound of the key, you know that the anti-lock is useless.

   Shen Muhan was determined to come in, but she really couldn't stop it.

   After a moment, the door was pushed open, and his tall and straight figure appeared at the door, pulling his tie with one hand and closing the door with the other.

  Xia Jiu pulled the quilt, covered herself, and looked at him coldly.

  Shen Muhan kept his tie on the sofa and said, "You haven't slept yet?"

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   Ask knowingly.

   He walked towards the wardrobe, reached out and picked up a set of nightgowns, put it on in front of Xia Jiu, and walked straight towards the bed.

  Xia Jiu bit her lip slightly, her face turning pale.

   In that kind of thing, he is not a rough man, however, the pain of the ectopic pregnancy and the miscarriage, and the strangles left on the neck last time, have deepened her fear of this matter.

   She swallowed: "The doctor said that my health is not very good."

   "Really? The doctor's report said that you are recovering well." Shen Muhan called up the report on his phone and handed it to Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   I forgot to tell the doctor, or in other words, it's not very useful. The female doctor was able to help her hide the contraceptive pill, which is already very loyal.

  Other doctors are not so good at talking.

   Seeing that Xia Jiu didn't answer, he retracted the phone and said, "Go to bed early."

"My health is fine, but the doctor said that my current situation is not suitable for pregnancy." Xia Jiu saw what he meant, and said carefully, "Even if you are pregnant, the quality is not good, do you still want to have it again? An ectopic pregnancy? It's not in your interest, Young Master Han."

With a    "pop", Shen Muhan threw down a box of things in front of Xia Jiu.

  Xia Jiu's face flushed instantly, he even prepared this thing, and thought it through really thoughtfully.

   "It won't make you pregnant." Shen Muhan turned over to bed, "What else can you worry about?"

  Xia Jiu: "…"

   Really not.


   Xia Jiu woke up very late the next day, and her routine that had already been restored was broken.

  As soon as the alarm clock rang, she got up, went to find the contraceptive pill at the first time, swallowed it in one gulp, and was relieved.

Double insurance.

   There is no longer Shen Muhan in the room, but the breath he left behind is ubiquitous in every corner of the air.

  Xia Jiu pursed her lips and reached out to get the phone again, only to find that there was a check under the phone, which was more than usual.

   is really counted on a per-time basis, never in arrears, let alone absent.

  Xia Jiu evoked a mocking smile and put it away. It happened that she also needed money to develop her career.

  Xia Jiu was even thinking, if she worked hard, could she put Shen Muhan to sleep and go bankrupt?

  The school celebration is coming soon.

  Xia Jiu chose a relatively low-key dress, explained to the housekeeper, and then got into the car arranged by the driver.

After she went to the hospital, Shen Ye had already arrived, and Xia Lin was looking at a dress, surrounded by that dress, showing a smile, when she saw Xia Jiulai, she was excited: "Sister, come and look at the dress, Young Master Ye help me prepare Yes, isn't it pretty?"

   The style is pure and pure like a little princess, which is really suitable for Charlene at this age.

"Thank you for the lack of Ye." Xia Jiu said, estimated the price, and handed the money to Shen Ye. After the last time, I saw the old lady Shen again, and Xia Jiu went to Shen Ye's contact information very smoothly. , also added his WeChat.

  Shen Ye smiled helplessly, knowing that Xia Jiu was not at ease, so he clicked to accept.

  Xia Jiu accompanied Xia Lin to change her clothes, and then she said, "Young Master Ye, Xia Lin will come with me first. You have many friends, and there will be many classmates, so you may not be able to take care of her."

   More importantly, a man like Shen Ye who is talented, handsome, family background and good enough must have a lot of women around him. If someone finds trouble with Xia Lin, with Xia Lin's situation, how can they fight back?

   "Okay." Shen Ye happily agreed, "However, if you're not free, come find me anytime, and I'll help you take care of Charlene."

   Shen Ye didn't dislike Xia Jiu's actions, probably because he himself had a big brother who was in charge of everything, and Shen Ye could understand the feelings of brothers and sisters very well.

   Besides, he really likes Xia Lin, and naturally he can see that Xia Jiu treats this little sister with sincere love.

   He approached Xia Jiu and said, "Sister, if there are other men who pursue Xia Lin and you treat her equally, I will think your older sister is more competent."

  Xia Jiu rolled his eyes at him, "Put your nose on your face, right?"

   "Don't dare." Shen Ye waved his hand with a sunny smile.

   He is indeed a difficult person to be bored with, with a smiling face that is always bright, and Xia Jiu can't hate him.

   On the contrary, a person with a gloomy life is more likely to accept his sunshine.

   Xia Jiu can understand why Xia Lin likes him.

   (end of this chapter)

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